Lu Meng shouted.

The two men ran outside.

And smashed to the ground under the roller coaster.

The piles of flesh and blood re-congealed, the previous ghosts, these... ghosts, including the conductor, all screamed and turned into blood shadows, chasing them towards them.

Seven people hiding behind a building not far away 7.

Seeing this scene, they all trembled, and more than ten red clothes were dispatched at the same time. This scene was too terrifying.

Along with the short-headed man, Zuo Qiwen shouted, and everyone rushed in immediately, first digging out the precious and important elixir, and then rummaging for these... The obsession of ghosts.

"Quick, they won't last long!"


the other side.

The two were chased by a group of more than ten ghosts in red.

They were panting heavily, their faces panicked, and along the way, in the fog, dangerous sounds would be heard from time to time.

"Fuck, if I had known so many red clothes, I wouldn't kill me if I killed him!"

Zhang Qiu's intestines were all regretful.

He never expected it.

This ghost place, if you provoke it casually, there will be more than ten red-clothed ghosts.

Who can resist this? Seeing those... the red-clothed ghost is getting closer and closer.

Zhang Qiu stared at Lu Meng in front of him, a shadow of gloom in his eyes.


at the road ahead.

Two figures appeared.

One of them shook his hand and shouted to them: "Come here! Come here."

Chapter 80 Sledgehammer [-] (Second Update ~ Please subscribe!)

Hear this voice.

Lu Meng's expression changed suddenly.

In this terrifying paradise, others will pass by like this.

In addition to... Evil, after all, if you were a human, you wouldn't dare to call it that, it's easy to provoke dirty things.

"Hurry up! Hurry up, that's the strong man on the train, we'll be safe in the past."

Zhang Qiu shouted loudly.

Lu Meng was stunned and said: "Ah, in case it's evil..."

"I don't have time to worry about so much. Look at the latter... red clothes, they won't get tired, and our physical strength has been exhausted too much. If we don't... find a turning point, we will be finished!"

Zhang Qiu shouted.

"Come on, it's safe to go."

Listen to Zhang Qiu shouting.

Lu Meng glanced at the back, and the speed of those... red-clothed ghosts did not slow down in the slightest.

And she's exhausted a lot now.

Almost only [-]% of the initial speed.

The distance between Li Gui and himself is getting closer and closer.

I could smell their body, the strong blood and stench.

Lu Meng, who was hesitating, did not notice that when the two passed a fork in front, Zhang Qiu suddenly turned around, turned his head and rushed into a small alley. When she reacted, she was already in the A desperate situation.

A few dozen meters ahead.

Those two strange figures of unknown origin.

At the back are more than a dozen red coats.


Lu Meng could only hear his own desperate gasps.

"do not care."

There was a touch of determination on her face: "Come on, I fought with you monsters!"

She immediately stopped.

Turned around to face more than a dozen red coats.

Raising his hand, a rattan, the size of an adult's arm, suddenly stretched out from the flower bush next to him, and shot out like a sharp arrow, 'Bang'!! The rattan is stronger than steel.

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