Chen Wei tremblingly said: "Head, cut his head and die."

"Go, don't be afraid"

Ming Ke chuckled: "These... ghosts, they don't have the ability to fight with us, they will only trick people to bluff people."

Look at how relaxed he is.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

0 to move on.

But it's strange.

A small haunted house.

They went around several times, and went through several secret rooms inside, but still couldn't find any exit:, even the previous entrance: disappeared strangely.

And in several secret rooms.

Not a few people were surprised.

saw his own death.

Liu Tingshan, in camouflage, was cut to pieces from the middle and died.

He looked at his corpse at the time, smiled, and said, "I didn't expect my kidneys to be quite big, why can't they work normally?"

Several people laughed and blushed immediately.

The tense atmosphere dissipated.

Suho was locked in an iron box, stuffed all his limbs in, then put on a headgear, and suffocated to death...

Yangzizhou, who looks like a little milk dog, died in a strange way among several people.

It turned out that he was so frightened that his heart was broken, Qiqiao died of blood, and he was also the last person to see his death.

"It can't go on like this."

A few people ended up staying in the first secret room, the one with Chen Wei's body, to discuss countermeasures.

After seeing everyone's body.

Their fear of... the corpse of an acquaintance has also been weakened, and even if they stay here, there is no discomfort.

"I think it's okay to violently break through these...walls and get out."

Zhang Mingke suggested.

Liu Tingshan shook his head: "No, I tried it, but I can't pierce it at all, and I don't know what material it is."

He has two thorns in his hands.

All are made of a special alloy.

In addition, Liu Tingshan is a power-enhancing system, and when he stabs it, he can only leave a little white mark on the wall. Obviously, everyone does not have the ability to break the maze.

"Then you need to outsmart it."

Zhang Mingke frowned: "But here, there is no exit at all:"

"Even the entrance just now can't be found."

Yang Zizhou looked nervous: "Do we have to spend time in the labyrinth, what if the train leaves?"

Several people raised their brows.

"I do have a way."

Suho said at this time: "It's not that there is no exit here: there is a place that you may have forgotten."

Everyone was stunned.

Chapter [-] Horror haunted house, tragic death one after another! (Fifth, I am the last cub!)

"Ceiling, vents!"

Soho said.

"That's right, since a prop person can be stuffed into that place, it proves that people can pass through it, and the vents often lead to the roof or the edge of the house, so you can go out!"

Yangzizhou said excitedly.

Liu Tingshan pondered for a while: "Theoretically this method is feasible, but there is a problem."

"This haunted house has been abandoned for more than ten years. Who knows if the vents will be blocked by something."

Zhang Mingke directly refused.

"I don't agree with the plan, the vents are too risky."

He glanced at a few people coldly: "We haven't known each other for a long time, who wants to be the first to go in and give us their backs?"

"To know……"

Zhang Mingke pondered for a while, and said a sentence that made everyone feel "seven nine, seven"

Horrible words.

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