"If we die here, although we are the weakest souls, our things can be counted as obsessions."

"This kind of thing is a life-saving thing for the next few journeys. I don't think anyone will be too much."

hear him.

Several people's expressions suddenly sank.

Su He's face was angry: "Why do you always think of people so badly, and besides... the vent, is there any other way to do it, I'd like to be the first to go in, so the head office will do it!"

Liu Tingshan nodded: "That's fine."

Yang Zizhou also agreed.

But Zhang Mingke's face was gloomy for a while, and finally turned around and walked to another path: "I believe that since it is a labyrinth, there must be a way out."

Obviously, he still trusts his own judgment more.

Several other people reached an agreement and walked together towards the left, where they encountered the devil prop before.

Just walked a few intersections.

Several people were suddenly stunned.

Su He glanced back and wondered: "It's strange, why are there only three of us, Chen Wei and Zhang Mingke are leaving too."

The other two responded.

Yang Zizhou's face was stunned: "No, have you noticed that when we were discussing just now, it seemed that Sister Chen Wei disappeared, and she didn't say a word!"

Hear this.

The three were horrified.

"not good!"

Liu Tingshan shouted: "There must be something wrong, hurry up, hurry back."

Several people rushed back to the previous secret room.

The door that has been ajar.

Don't know when it will be closed.

Liu Tingshan opened the door.

A strong bloody smell came out immediately.

Several people's expressions changed greatly.

Because before everyone died, there was no bloody smell! Go in and have a look.

A few people's minds went blank.

On the wall, there are two Chen Wei nailed!! "Sister Chen Wei!"

Yang Zizhou swallowed his saliva: "dead"

At this moment.

Liu Tingshan suddenly said solemnly: "It's difficult.

We will all end up following these... mortals, then."

"Zhang Mingke now..."


the other side.

Zhang Mingke walked in the passage alone.

Scary props are all around, and the more they look, the more they look real.

But his face was calm and confident.

He was born in a family of ancient martial arts, and his strength is not comparable to those of ordinary ability.

Zhang Mingke's ability, every ounce, has been refined since he was a child, using spirit medicine to polish his muscles and bones, and the moment he strikes, it is... strong wind, his fists and feet can shred everything! Suddenly.

Pfft! Zhang Mingke felt his foot light and stepped into the ground.

He was about to lift his foot.

A pair of ice-cold hands gripped his ankles tightly.


Zhang Mingke snorted coldly.

Lifting up the other foot, golden light flashed on it, wrapped in huge force, and crushed it fiercely: "Shaolin King Kong Leg!"

Boom!! A loud bang.

The floor, which even military thorns could not penetrate, shattered inch by inch.

However, what made Zhang Mingke's expression drastically changed was that those hands, unimaginably sturdy, were actually unscathed under his own step.

Brush!! Suddenly overhead is on the ceiling.

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