
With a loud noise, a big hand with white hair behind it, tearing tofu, penetrated the stone wall, grabbed a corpse, and under its horrified eyes, it pulled back fiercely, knocking the wall out of the wall. Mouth, he brought back the corpse that had escaped!


The corpse isn't finished yet.


A fist the size of a sandbag pierced directly from his chest.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 250 energy."

The strength of this corpse is similar to the previous Taoist priest, it should be another E-level Taoist in that E-level team.

So far,

In Jiang Che's hands, the E-level team that had been destroyed in the Huangchuan Third Academy was destroyed once again, completely destroyed!

And with his death.

The mortuary scene disappeared out of thin air.

Jiang Che didn't go to take the elevator again, he went straight down the two big holes smashed by the hammer, jumped down, and entered the sixth underground floor of the hospital—the corpse!

The moment he entered this place, a chill that penetrated deep into his bones enveloped Jiang Che. This chill was very evil. Even Jiang Che, whose physique was so tyrannical, could still clearly feel the insecurities. Comfortable.

"No! This place is not right!"

Jiang Che was not in a hurry to move forward.

He suddenly thought.

Before stepping into the hospital, the former D-level Taoist chose to give up just because of a magic formation.

This shows that it must be far beyond the power of ordinary D-level.

But Jiang Che encountered obstacles along the way.

Although it seems fancy.

But there's nothing really on the table.

"That is to say, the master hasn't really shot yet?"

"But when I killed the zombies refined by the capable ones, he was clearly angry. He was so angry but didn't do it, which undoubtedly means that he couldn't do it?"

"And now this gloomy and coldness is definitely far beyond ordinary evil."

Looking at the mortuary at the end of the corridor, Jiang Che's eyes gradually deepened.

"There should be great danger there."

PS: I will add more today, and I will post it after I finish writing.

Ask for a ticket!Ask for flowers!Thank you for your great support! !

Chapter [-] Pick up the hammer (new book for collection!!)

In the dark underground corridor, Jiang Che looked towards the morgue at the end and hesitated for three seconds.

Immediately he opened the panel.

Looking at the 1750 energy above, I immediately made a decision.

"Pick the card."

"Ding, please select the card draw level: Whiteboard (100), Bronze (1000)"

"Bronze card."

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

Seeing Bai Huahua's energy, it suddenly decreased by a thousand.

It would be a lie to say it doesn't hurt.

But I am reluctant to let the child hold the wolf, and I am reluctant that the energy cannot hold more energy!

With the rotation and stop of the ancient roulette.

A giant tortoise with the head of a bird, the tail of a snake, and its entire body covered in crimson armor appeared in front of Jiang Che. The giant tortoise stepped on the mountains and seas, and its huge feet were like pillars of the sky. It directly caused the river to stop flowing. .

The moment the figure appeared.

A vast force of mountains and rivers came from the surface, directly pressing Jiang Che's face to turn red, and he was a little breathless.

In the end it turned into an ancient card.

It fell into Jiang Che's hands.

"Good luck, it's this old man."

Jiang Che's expression brightened.

Rotary turtles, both of which are turtles, have their own advantages and disadvantages from Xuanwu.

Xuanwu's defense is astounding, while the tortoise is a combination of offense and defense. The armor is covered with sharp thorns, and the long beak can pierce everything. Moreover, it controls the power of the earth and the sea at the same time, and its combat effectiveness is very strong.

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