With this card, Jiang Che was instantly confident.

He was about to go to the morgue in front of him to find out.



A faint whimper resounded in the empty corridor.

Jiang Che raised his eyebrows and walked towards the front. The row of incandescent lamps on his head flickered and seemed to be a few years old.

On both sides of the corridor, there are all closed doors. According to Zhang Xuehai's introduction, this place was originally intended to be built as a consultation room for the infectious disease department. As a result, a major incident happened a few years ago, and it was later used as a corpse.

Now the offices on both sides are filled with corpses and equipped with low-temperature equipment, so the door is constantly leaking cold air like hoarfrost.

Jiang Che could completely ignore these chills.

Only from the mortuary side, there was a special gloomy coldness that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and even he felt that his movements were a little slow because of this.


As Jiang Che walked forward, the whimper became clearer and clearer, and he could also hear it. It seemed to be the cry of a little girl?

Carrying a hammer.

Jiang Che continued to walk towards the mortuary.

When passing a staircase, he suddenly froze.

Because the entrance of the stairs is actually facing down.

And he is now on the sixth floor of the hospital, which is the bottom floor.

"Is it really like what the female nurse said, there are seven underground floors in this hospital?"

Jiang Che was interested.

But the things in the mortuary attracted him even more. As he was about to continue walking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a little girl in a white dress, crying from the bottom of the stairs.

Obviously, the previous whimper was made by this little girl.

Jiang Che walked down.

The little girl was sobbing with her back to him.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Che asked kindly.


The little girl cried, very pitiful.

"What a poor little girl, what about your parents, will your brother send you to find them?" Jiang Che said.

"Woooo~" The little girl cried even more: "Mom and Dad are also dead~"

This kind of experience is completely sad for those who hear it and those who see it weep.

Jiang Che immediately felt pity.

"It's okay, even if they die... my brother can send you to find them!"

The cry of the little girl stopped abruptly.

His back turned to Jiang Che's face.

A question mark face.

People say no? !

Didn't give her a chance to react.


A big hammer slammed down with a 'boom'.

The little girl's feet flashed with blood, and she instantly ran a few steps forward to avoid the hammer. Then she turned her head and looked at Jiang Che coldly.

"Brother, you are so cruel!"

Seeing the little girl whose back was still facing him, but whose head was twisted strangely, her eyes were empty, her eyes disappeared, and black blood was dripping from her nostrils and ears, Jiang Che smiled kindly.

"Little sister, come, my brother will play a game with you, called picking up the hammer. Let's see if you can catch your brother's hammer stably and accurately. If you catch it well, you will be rewarded with a lollipop~"

Hear this.

The little girl was stunned.

God takes the hammer!

Did you really deceive the old lady as a little girl?

Chapter [-] My brother is going to die! (New book for collection!! Flowers!)

In the dimly lit stairwell, Jiang Che was waving a hammer, with an expression of training a little girl.

"Are you ready? Brother is going to smash it~"

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