The little girl looked ugly.

Who needs to be prepared!

Only a fool will take your hammer! ?

The person in front of her made her prepared lines messed up.

"Brother, will you stay here forever and accompany Xiaoxi?" The girl said sullenly, forcing her lines back on track.

Jiang Che nodded immediately.

"Okay, okay, let's play picking up the hammer, my brother is going~"

Xiaoxi:  …

You are so cruel!

Three words are inseparable from the hammer!

"Woooo~ brother, don't go, can you accompany Xiaoxi?"

The little girl suddenly sobbed. Her eyeballs were long gone, and her eyes were pitch black. Along with her crying, a black-red viscous liquid flowed out, which seemed to be blood plasma.

The speed at which the blood plasma flowed was frightening, and it soon spread a thick layer on the ground and spread toward Jiang Che.

Jiang Che carried the hammer and rushed over without saying a word.

However, as soon as he stepped into the blood plasma, his complexion suddenly changed.There was only a thin layer of blood plasma, but he seemed to have fallen into deep water, his breathing stopped for a moment, the whole person was breathless, and his chest was so depressed that it seemed to explode.

"Woooo~ my brother is going to die~"

The little girl's voice, this time no longer concealed, became sullen, with a bit of playfulness and cruelty.

Jiang Che only noticed it at this time.

The little girl's skirt is not completely white, and the edge of the skirt corner is all a strange bright red.

He suddenly remembered the description of the red-clothed Specter he had seen in a group.

It is a kind of specter that has killed countless people, whose resentment is tyrannical to a certain extent, and has undergone qualitative changes. The danger level has reached the terrifying C level. Once it appears, it will cause a large area of ​​panic and death. It is a very scary one. Kind of ghost.

And the little girl in front of her seems to be transforming towards the red-clothed ghost. I am afraid she is the most threatening evil among the D-level threats.

"Brother, will you always accompany Xiaoxi?"

The little girl floated over at some point, staring straight at Jiang Che with her empty eye sockets, sticking out her bright red tongue, slowly approaching Jiang Che's neck.

"Brother stays in Xiaoxi's belly, and can accompany Xiaoxi forever~"

"Let Xiaoxi eat you, okay? Brother."

The little girl is asking.

But he didn't give Jiang Che a chance to answer.

Her small mouth widened sharply, directly pulling away both cheeks, and a bright red crack went directly to the bottom of the little girl's ear. The big mouth opened, directly covering Jiang Che's entire head, and biting it down.

And this time.

Jiang Che's voice resounded in the little girl's mouth.

"Little sister, didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands before eating?"


"Use the alien card - the tortoise!"

Boom boom boom! !

Jiang Che's aura suddenly rose.

His body, on the basis of the original [-] meters, was raised again and directly became a [-]-meter giant. The muscles in his body completely burst the clothes, and the unimaginable strength was filled with every inch of his flesh and blood.

One of Jiang Che's eyes turned fiery blue, and the other eye turned thick yellow.

At the same time, a layer of scarlet armor grew from his body.

At this time, Jiang Che was full of qi and blood.


The little girl let out a scream.

He retreated to the corner of the stairs and looked at Jiang Che in horror.

what happened!

Why did this brother suddenly become so scary?

Blood alone burns me?

How to fight this!

At this time, Jiang Che had a violent aura, just like an evil ghost that came out of hell, and like an ancient beast hunting in the wild.

He lowered his head and looked at the little girl.

"Little sister, brother has something to do, so I'll take you to see your parents first."

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