
Jiang Che directly punched out.


There was a sonic boom, which is a manifestation of the extreme speed.


With a crisp sound, the little girl's body, like a sheet of aluminum foil, was directly crushed, and the whole person, including the poor corner of the stairs, all turned into pieces.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 950 energy."

Jiang Che glanced around.

He found that he was no longer at the corner of the stairs, but was still in the corridor. Under his feet, he used paper figures, stones, bones and other objects to form a circle, which seemed to be some kind of mysterious magic circle.

The stairs that were facing down just now turned out to be the evolution of this thing.

Presumably this is the magic formation that frightened the D-level Taoist priest.

Jiang Che felt the surging power in his body, and the only thing he wanted to do now was to have a good fight. He squeezed his fist, lifted the hammer, and strode towards the morgue.

Chapter [-] The Undead Couple Ghost? (New book for collection! Huahua!)

Killing this half-step red-clothed only has 950 energy points, which is not enough to offset the exotic beast card Jiang Che used. Naturally, he will not be so easy to let go of the real master behind this incident.

Under the combined blessings of Spin Turtle and Zhu Yan, the three-meter-high real humanoid beast, Jiang Che, with a sledgehammer, rushed across the long corridor in three or two steps and appeared in front of the mortuary without any hesitation. , as if it had been planned for a long time, and it was smashed with a hammer.

Boom! !

The two gates flew out directly, smashing three living corpses.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 25 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 35 energy."


Dozens of living corpses came over.

The scene in the morgue was bloody.

I saw a huge dark altar, occupying most of the mortuary.

All the living corpses took a scalpel, stood on the edge of the altar, and cut open their skins, revealing scarlet flesh.engaged in some kind of self-harm.

Jiang Che could see that there was a hollow pool in the middle of the altar, and there was a corpse in the pool.

"It's actually him?"

Jiang Che was a little surprised.

This corpse is the doctor on duty who hanged himself, Chen Zhongming.

According to the information given by Zhang Xuehai.

The old doctor was miserable in his later years. His son and daughter-in-law beat each other to death, and his only granddaughter died in a strange way. His eyes were gouged out by the murderer.

Now, the old doctor's body has also been used by evil spirits.

Jiang Che felt some sympathy for him.

And this time.

"How did you come here, where is my granddaughter?!"

An old voice resounded in the air.

Hear this.

Jiang Che was stunned for a while, his eyes gradually narrowed, extremely cold.

"You are... Chen Zhongming?"

Jiang Che asked in a deep voice.

"Humph! Useless things, even a person can't stop him, my son and daughter-in-law, kill him!" The old voice did not answer Jiang Che's words, but only shouted.

In an instant, from the two beds in the mortuary, two men and a woman, whose bodies were half red, got up. They each held a kitchen knife, and their bodies were covered with scars. One had his intestines exposed, and one had all the flesh on his chest. disappear.

The faces of the two were all slash marks, and the flesh and blood were turned out, extremely hideous and strange.

"Yes, Dad!"


The two half-step red clothes responded.

They rushed towards Jiang Che together.

On the other side, dozens of living corpses continued to bleed, and their blood had already solidified, so it was necessary to use a scalpel to cut open the flesh little by little, dig out the blood clots, and throw them into the pool.

When the blood clot touched the pool, it automatically melted into blood, and the blood soaked Chen Zhongming's corpse. On his corpse, there was a red shadow that looked exactly like the corpse. Under the soaking in blood, the more the shadow overlapped with the corpse. come higher...

"It turns out that it wasn't you who was harmed by evil, you old thing is the biggest evil!"

Jiang Che took a deep breath.

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