Desperately trying to break free.

But Jiang Che was even more satisfied, and couldn't help but praised: "Mr. Clown, your performance is so realistic, it's very good, it gives people a feeling of extreme despair and panic, to be honest, you just do It's a waste of a clown to not be an actor."

Clown: You are such a dog! I am so scared now.

He even performed a fart! And Xu Zhen and the others were watching this scene.

They were all speechless.

Jiang Che, it's too coquettish to scare a ghost like this.

Everyone is obliged to come out for nine years.

It's just that you read Ten Years of Cold Window! Why didn't you freeze to death! "Okay everyone, next is our sledgehammer corpse performance, but don't blink."

Jiang Che smiled modestly.

Then he raised the sledgehammer, and on the iron chain of the hammer head, a path of ghostly fire swept wildly.

BANG!!!! A terrifying bang.

The clown disappears, the stage disappears, Zhao Nuo disappears.

in the shocked eyes of the crowd.

In front of Jiang Che, a huge deep pit appeared.

"Fuck, it turns out that this is...., a deep performance"

Zheng Yunlong was stunned. He was an earth-type ability. As soon as he sensed it, he knew that the pit was more than [-] meters deep: "It's too cruel!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 700 energy."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

"Just the original strength, the evil spirit of [-] energy, here has become the combat power of the top red clothes, this place, it is really interesting, and he expects it.

The world of this death platform.

I am afraid that there is either a powerful and unimaginable evil will blessing.

Either there is an extremely precious treasure! To cause this effect.

"Let's go, I heard screams coming from the haunted house. I'm afraid the friends inside are not in a hurry and want me to save them."

Jiang Che greeted a few people who were still in a daze and walked into the haunted house.

Wow! !Thank you very much for the 40000vip reward from the boss of dygfh! !Great boss!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] I have not been a monk for many years (the third update ~ please subscribe!)

A group of six people entered the haunted house.

Jiang Che discovered that it was in the form of a labyrinth, and the surrounding walls were very old, which seemed to be some kind of terrifying scene.

Several people walked in the haunted house and were surprised.

"These things are too real, they look like the real thing."

"Look at that..., the woman who was nailed to death, it's like she just died a long time ago."

Zheng Yunlong suddenly pointed to the corner, a female corpse on the wall.

Several people looked at it.

All were amazed.

The workmanship of this female corpse is top-notch, and the smell of blood is even more intense.

Only Jia Ting's face was a little wrong.

"I know this man."

This sentence made Zheng Yunlong, who was just about to reach out his hand, stop his life.

"What did you say"

Jia Ting's expression was slightly dark: "She is from Tongque City, she is our... small circle, a relatively well-known ability person, her ability is pupil art, very mysterious, can see through ghosts, demonic disguise, and can take a direct look Killing ghosts, I didn't expect to die here."

This is Chen Wei.

In the circle of able-bodied people in Tong Sparrow City.

They're all pretty famous.

Although it is not in terms of combat power, it is the particularity of her abilities.

But now it is here.

Become the props of the haunted house.

This made everyone shudder.

Zheng Yunlong shyly withdrew his hand.

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