"This place is really dangerous, but there must be a lot of good things."

Jia Ting suddenly stepped forward, pulled out a nail that was nailed to the woman's corpse, and observed for a few times, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"This thing has the power to kill ghosts, and it can be regarded as half a mysterious item."

hear this.

A few people's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Mystery items, no matter where you put them.

But they are all very precious.

"Brother Jiang, can I take these things down?"

Jia Ting asked.

In a team, knowing who is the boss is definitely the most important thing.

Jiang Che nodded.

"Let's break up together."

Several people were instantly overjoyed, and together they pulled out those... nails.

There are four hands and feet, five internal organs, five seals, plus the eyebrows, a total of ten nails, which are said to be nails, but they are actually more similar to coffin nails, about the length of the palm of an adult, they are four-sided, and the whole body is black. red.

Several people took one each.

There are five remaining.

Hand them all to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che didn't treat them badly either: "Bring them all here, I'll give you all the light."


"Ding, do you spend 2 energy to strengthen the soul lock nail"


Soul Locking Nail + 1 Jiang Che: Suppresses the corpse and locks the soul, seals the fate and slays the yin - Locking the soul and breaking the evil is a strong damage bonus to the evil, and it is easy to pierce the evil.

Sturdy is not easy to be damaged.

Soul lock is terrifying.

The pinned evil can be locked in place.

Jiang Che estimated that as long as it was nailed in, it would take a lot of effort to break free.

Of course.

It is not easy to be nailed into an evil body.

"Take it, this thing is good for trapping evil spirits, and for running away."

Jiang Che handed it to a few people.

Several people took it.

I found that there was a mysterious glimmer of light on the nail.


Kuzhu suddenly let out a loud shout: "This thing, used to only be able to harm evil spirits, but now there is an extra, mysterious power of restraint, consecration! It is really consecrated! Only abbots can do things, Master Jiang, it turns out You are an expert in my Buddhist sect, the old man has clumsy eyes, clumsy eyes!"

The old monk blushed with excitement.

In fact, there is one more thing he didn't say, the current abbot is no longer open, this kind of thing is only spread in Buddhist legends.

Several people looked at Jiang Che's eyes.

Immediately changed.

You must know that the abbot-level boss is at least high-level! And Jiang Che waved his hand and said humbly: "Brother Kuzhu is wrong, I don't ask about Buddhism, it has been many years."

This kind of thing.

It was hard for him to explain.

Install one if you can, anyway... If you are idle, you will be idle.

And hear this.

Several people were surprised.

Suddenly Jiang Che was in their minds.

The image of a hidden master was made up by their own brains...  

Several people continued to move forward.

Soon, a secret room appeared in front of him.

The door is a kind of quaint iron door with red paint splashed with blood on it, which is standard for many haunted houses.

A few people walked in lightly.

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