"With these fifty-five thousand, my energy reaches—"

"Five million!"

He glanced at the panel.

Heart is indescribably happy.

This restricted area brought too many surprises to Jiang Che.

A haunted house directly brought Jiang Che, nearly [-] energy, plus the following wave of blood-killing, supernatural evil spirits, and three first-grade elixir and one second-grade elixir obtained from the amusement park, It was directly that Jiang Che's energy went from [-] to [-], and more.

Plus today's fifty-five thousand.

This first scene.

It actually brought Jiang Che a full [-] energy! This is enough to draw five gold cards.

"But now the gold card, the meaning is only average to me."

Jiang Che murmured.

Did not choose to draw a card.

Instead, save energy.

He seems to be in a very wealthy stage now, and his energy is almost exhausted.

But in fact, Jiang Che himself realized that he had reached a bottleneck stage similar to the one mentioned in the novel, because the energy needed to accumulate before the next quality card was really terrifying! If there were no restricted areas.

It was almost impossible for Jiang Che to accumulate a million energy by running strange events non-stop.

Because most of the strange incidents left by the empire are only rank, once encountering a rank evil monster, there will be a strong man who responds to the situation immediately, otherwise it will cause a great panic and cause heavy casualties.

And a level evil.

Up to [-] energy.

This meant that Jiang Che had to run at least [-]+ events, plus screening events, hurrying, and accumulating, and conservatively, it would take [-] days to break through to the next quality card.

But now.

Jiang Che entered this restricted area.

Less than half a day.

That is... half of this originally lofty goal has been accomplished.

Of course he was very excited.

Jiang Che cheerfully trotted all the way to the train.

And when they saw Jiang Che rushing over, all the capable people were all ready to fight.

"Damn it! Is this the supervisor? How can he run so happily, just like my husky."

The capable are amazed.

"No, this... sledgehammer..."

Some people were also surprised.

“Looks familiar”

at this time.

Tang Ziyou said quietly: "Don't worry anymore, this is not evil, have you forgotten, the previous... the sturdy man who ran after evil?"

Everyone heard Zhao Nuo Zhao's words.

Immediately his expression froze.

Reminds me of some not so good memories.

The ghosts they worked so hard to seduce were finally snatched away by a sturdy man with a sledgehammer and hammered to death.

That's okay too.

After all, they don't necessarily have the hobby to kill ghosts.

But even worse.

The five people who followed that... the stubborn man, would jump out immediately, and tell them that since the ghost was killed by the stubborn man, this obsession should belong to their team.

These people resisted.

After all, all the men are gone, and I'm afraid that the few of you in this team will not be successful. The operations are also extremely rude, a master with kindness and kindness, who comes up to... a ideological work, and one with a briefcase. Go to work with kindness and kindness Clan, open the bag and release a top red coat.

Wait for a few people to finish two or three strokes.

Only then did I realize that a dog who could evade the ground had already snatched the obsession on the side and escaped.

Chapter [-] Who opened the window? (Second update ~ please subscribe)

"its not right!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed: "The terrifying explosion just now, and this... macho came out from inside"

"Could it be that……"

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