"He was fighting just now"

"And what about the watchdog! Its footsteps seem to have disappeared."

Everyone's pupils shrank.

In my heart, an unbelievable thought came up.

When combined with the opponent's hand, the hammer head is still red, obviously a giant hammer that has gone through a big battle.

Everyone is almost [-]% sure.

There was a battle between the person in front of him and the supervisor! I understand this.

Their hearts were trembling.

That's the regulator! There are terrifying existences of the order of more than [-].

This stubborn guy is undoubtedly a big guy! "Yo, how many of you are basking in the moon?"

Jiang Che came over and said hello to everyone: "Slow down, I'll get in the car first."

"Wow, what an easy-going boss!"

"It's too close to the people."

After all, the rest of the ranks are either rebellious and rebellious like Huang Tianhu, or eccentric like Tang Zi who can't figure out what she's thinking, or an iceberg beauty like Fang Ruyue.

An easy-going bigwig like Jiang Che.

Many people are seeing each other for the first time.

"Hehe, you may have forgotten how he hammered the ghost."

"Those... The screams of the ghosts, I still remember them to this day."

There are also a large number of people who are full of deep fear of Jiang Che.

At this moment, the three people flashed and stopped in front of Jiang Che797.

Of course, the three of them are far away.

Show that you are not malicious.

Jiang Che was stunned: "Two beauties, want to invite me to enjoy the moon together"

"I also want to appreciate the moon."

Tang Zi said boldly: "But we mainly want to ask the boss, that..."

"What happens to the regulators, will they come after them?"

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment: "Oh, you said it, under my consolation and guidance, this sneaky who has gone astray has seriously realized his mistake, and understands that this kind of murderous behavior is not advisable. Knowing the deviation of his ideology and ideology, and at the same time feeling ashamed and remorseful for his past mistakes, he has sworn that he will never come out to harm others again."

these words.

A few people were stunned to hear it.

You are so pretty too! That's right.

Taking someone else's [-]-level terrifying evil spirit to labor and reforming it, and it has been successfully reformed and turned into a ghost again! "Uh."

Fang Ruyue was stunned for a moment: "Senior, can you put it more concisely?"

"I killed it."

The crowd opened their mouths.

You are a dog! We talked for a long time.

It turned out that he had hammered others to death, and of course he had no way to come out and hurt others! Several people were choked by Jiang Che, and they were unable to answer.

But at the same time.

Many people also showed shocking expressions.

Kill the supervisor.

How powerful is this? Suddenly someone's face changed: "Dead, then according to what Ruyue said, the scene behind this..."

"It's going to be hell difficulty!"

"Damn it, don't tease me, is it easy for me to be a level-capable person?"

"Just the first scene, I almost fell to my knees, if this is four 44 scenes together, who can survive"

Everyone immediately.

A howling.

All in all, terribly worried.

But no one, like the mentally retarded clips in some novels, attacked Jiang Che or blamed him.

I have to ask him something to say.


They are not stupid.

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