This tough guy can kill the supervisor.

If he wants to hammer himself to death, it is not as simple as pinching an ant to the back of the scene. Don't you know that rule?"

Fang Ruyue considered the words and phrases carefully and asked carefully.

Jiang Che was taken aback: "What?"

"The regulator is an integral part of the will of the world. Once it dies, the world of the death platform will undergo unimaginable changes..."

Fang Ruyue sighed: "I'm afraid now, the following scenes have already overlapped, and the difficulty will increase countless times!"

hear this.

Jiang Che pondered for a while.

It seems that he has pitted these challengers.

He considers himself not a good person.

But for no reason, he was still a little uneasy in the bottom of his heart when he pitted so many, sixty or seventy people, almost all of them.

Jiang Che thought about it for a while: "Well, in order to make up for everyone, I will take the lead in all the places behind!"

hear this.

Everyone's eyes were bright.

He looked at Jiang Che with admiration in his eyes.

I didn't expect that this... level is strong, not only approachable, but also has such a strong sense of responsibility.

Once there is such a strong person walking in front.

Then the safety factor of yourself and others will increase exponentially.

"Thank you senior!"

"Thank you senior!"

Everyone bowed deeply.

Jiang Che waved his hand to take the lead, but this is his specialty.

If the amusement park were to be led by him, I am afraid that Jiang Che would now have 607 energy.

Everyone went back to the carriage.

Soon the train started.

Driving into the fog, the fog is getting thicker and thicker, and in the trains, everyone is also standing up, with serious expressions on their faces.

The wind noise outside the car is weird.

It was similar to the sound of people howling. In the depths of the thick fog, you could vaguely see some dilapidated buildings. They were all modern buildings, but they were very dilapidated. At first glance, it was... deserted for a long time.

in a carriage.

Lu Meng, a baby-faced girl wearing a blue sweater and glasses.

Ding Yang, a [-]-meter tall man like an iron tower, and Zuo Qiwen, a young man with an inch head.

There are seven remaining 7.

Those who do not have the ability to befriend the big boss know how to report for warmth. Zuo Qiwen's team lost Zhang Qiu, and two other people, and there are only seven people left. .

A middle-aged man in a suit sitting by the window suddenly reached out and seemed to want to open the window.


Zuo Qiwen shouted anxiously, his foot moved, it turned into an afterimage, and he directly kicked the man away.

With a 'bang', the man in the suit slammed into the train wall.

"You don't want to die!"

Zuo Qiwen stared at him.

The man in the suit clutched his chest and was stunned for a long time before looking at Zuo Qiwen with resentment on his face: "Fuck! Why are you spitting on me, what's the matter."

Zuo Qiwen's face was so cold that it condensed into ice.

He also didn't expect to pull three people at random, and then pull into this kind of pig teammate: "I must not open the car window in the fog as I said before getting in the car. Are you trying to kill everyone here?"

Iron tower strong man Ding Yang.

Several other people also stood up.

Looking at the man in the suit coldly: "If your ears are white, if you want to die, don't pull us together."

The man in the suit was attacked by several people.

The mood suddenly weakened.

But he was still: muttering: "Isn't it just spitting, I also spitting when I came just now, how come nothing happened?"

A few people were about to say something.

at this time.

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