The sound of the window being pulled open sounded again.

Zuo Qiwen's face was ugly as if he had eaten shit.

"They're all so sick, right? Who opened the window again!"

Several people looked at each other.

After a cursory glance, I found that there were nine people standing here.

Everyone suddenly felt a chill, hitting their backs, and their hearts were cold.

"Everyone is, so, who opened the window"

: I was a little procrastinated by accident. I saw that many friends are talking about it, so the author will end the plot of the death platform in the next six or seven chapters, draw the next stage card, take the good things, and start a new one Story, thank you for your support!!

Chapter [-] Where is the phone? (Third update ~ a bit late, sorry)

The window is opened.

The high-speed train blew a harsh wind whistling in the carriage.

Some mist was scraped into the cabin.

The nine people who were standing still, immediately exchanged glances after being stunned for the first moment.

"Quick, obsession!"

Zuo Qiwen shouted.

A young man with yellow hair, without saying a word, threw out a worn-out mobile phone.

Throw it out the window.

Obsessions have a huge attraction for things in the fog.

After throwing the thing, several people turned back immediately, each exerted their abilities, frost, flame, thunder, etc., and slammed into the window, but the window at this moment, there was nothing, it was already empty.

Blood erupted from Zuo Qiwen's feet.

He rushed to the window almost instantly, slammed it shut, and took a few deep breaths.

"Get something and seal the window!!"

he shouted loudly.

In the team, a Taoist priest immediately put out more than a dozen talismans, each of them took two, and quickly covered the edge of the window. The talisman radiated golden light and tightly sealed the window.

Lu Meng also quickly threw out a few seeds, turning them into vines, tightly wrapping around the window.

Do all this.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did anyone see what it was just now?"

Zuo Qiwen asked in a deep voice at this time.

When dealing with evil spirits, knowing the type of the other party can help you better target them.

"No, I turned my head and saw nothing."

Yellow hair shook his head.

Lu Meng... nodded: "I only saw a phantom flashing past, maybe it went out with the phone."


Ding Yang suddenly said in a loud voice: "Just now we were all facing Jiang Zhongcheng, and only he was facing the window, so he should have seen that thing."

Only a few people reacted.

Qi Qi looked at the man in the suit, Jiang Zhongcheng.

And take a look.

Everyone's body is stiff, and their faces are hard to look.

Jiang Zhongcheng's eyes widened, and his eyeballs rolled out: only the whites of his eyes remained, and there was a dark purple streak on his neck.

Look like this.

Apparently... it was strangled.

for a moment.

The atmosphere in the car.

Get dull.

Several people felt a chill in their hearts.

"It only took a few breaths just now, how did he die?"

Ding Yang's eyes widened.

The Taoist priest shook his head solemnly: "If it is really strangled, there must be a sound, but we didn't hear anything just now, and he couldn't even struggle."

"This person is anyway, and his ability is biased towards physical fitness, so he can be killed so easily."

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