Zuo Qiwen's expression was solemn: "Explain that thing, at least it's a top red shirt!"

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.


Someone was relieved.

"Finally, I took the obsession and lured that thing out."

"Now just keep the windows."

However this time.

Lu Meng said quietly: "Are you really sure, has it gone out?"

Several people were stunned.

Zuo Qiwen frowned: "Xiao Meng, you mean"

"We are here, and now there are ten people 10."

Lu Meng's voice was extremely low.

And this sentence directly made everyone stiffen.

Huang Mao hurriedly counted: "Ding Yang, Brother Zuo, Xiaomeng, Wang Ming, Zhang Qidong, me,..."

After counting, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiao Meng, don't make such a joke, there are clearly... nine people."

But finished.

He found that the eyes of everyone were very wrong.

Looking at his eyes, there was a trace of panic and suspicion.

"Why are you all looking at me like this, do I have flowers on my face?"

Yellowhair shrugged.

"Think about it, how did you count?"

On Zuo Qiwen's ankle, there was a flash of blood, which was a precursor to his ability to use his abilities and prepare to attack.

As the strongest person here, Zuo Qiwen has reached +.

The magnitude was over [-], and when the bloody awns appeared under their feet, an incomparably piercing qi burst out, and several people felt like awns on their backs.

Everyone is condensing their own killing moves.

The young man named Wang Ming, holding a ball with both hands, broke through the thousand-degree high-temperature flame.

Zhang Qidong was surrounded by thunder.

Ding Yang was very terrifying, his muscles changed every inch, and he directly became a bronzed, steely man.

"how to count"

Huang Mao froze for a while, and counted again: "Ding Yang, Zuo Ge, Xiaomeng, Wang Ming, Zhang Qidong, I...I I!"


He was completely bewildered.

Only then did I realize that when I counted myself, I was pointing to another person next to me, a person who was exactly the same as me!! Horror and anger appeared on Huang Mao's face.

"you pretend to be me"

He looked at the man next to him and shouted: "Quick, kill him!"

On Huang Mao's hand, the cold air was terrifying, and he grabbed it with one hand towards himself next to him.

And the eyes of several people moved, and they were also preparing to blast the killer move in their hands to the person next to them.

After all, he never said a word, and he didn't look like a human being.

However this time.

Zuo Qiwen suddenly shouted: "There is another evil here, hurry up, yellow hair, throw away the obsession!"

Huang Mao, who was shooting, was stunned for a moment, and with the other hand, he threw out an old mobile phone.

Zuo Qiwen no longer hesitated, and suddenly a whip kicked out, the violent blood glow turned into thousands of needles, and stabbed the yellow hair in the chest. At the same time, he shouted: "Hit this!!"


Several people also responded.

The phone has been thrown out.

The only one who can catch the phone is Evil! Immediately, countless means slammed into Huang Mao's body, and in the end Ding Yang crushed Huang Mao's head with his elbow.

Although this evil spirit is a top red robe.

But something in this fog.

It cannot be blessed by the will of the death platform.

They are a group of lonely ghosts who are not recognized by the death platform, so their combat effectiveness is only top red.

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