In addition to the people in this carriage, they all passed the first scene.

After swallowing the elixir they had obtained, their abilities also made breakthroughs in an environment of extreme fear.

All eight people, abruptly killed this top red shirt.

And this time.

It was as if it was a stupid yellow hair, and then he let out a sigh of relief, his face full of horror: "Damn, that ghost is so evil, it's as if Lao Tzu's throat is strangled by something, like There was an invisible person standing behind me, strangling my neck, making me unable to speak or move."


Huang Mao suddenly said, "This bastard, where's the phone that was thrown out?"

He is the person in charge of keeping the obsessions that the team acquired.

So the eyes never leave the obsession.

Just now, Xie Xun was fooled by Zuo Qiwen, threw away the phone, and threw it towards the middle of the two 2-car compartments, which is the part of the toilet. At this time, Huang Mao wanted to get up and get it back, but he was surprised to find , that mobile phone, missing billion.

Chapter [-] Terrible carriage! ! (Fourth update ~ please subscribe)

What mobile phone is missing, everyone's expressions are stagnant.

A chill surged into my heart.

Obsession is something that only monsters in the mist need.

This undoubtedly shows that there is still an evil spirit in the carriage! At this time, a flash of blood flashed, and Zuo Qiwen had already kicked the corridor door, almost half a second later.

Bang! A sound.

On the other... floor of the door, there was... a muffled sound.

Something slammed hard against the door.

This hit.

Almost knocked Zuo Qiwen flying.

But blood burst out from under his feet, he blocked it with his body, and forced the door that was knocked open, and pressed it back.

Ding Yang roared angrily and rushed forward, holding down the door with his huge body.

Then Lu Meng threw out three seeds, and vines grew. These... vines intertwined and locked the doorknob, the Taoist posted "Seven-nine, seven"

The last golden light talisman, under the joint suppression of the three, finally managed to make the door reluctantly settle down.

The things inside kept banging against the door.

But it couldn't be shaken anymore.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

But this time, no one dared to relax, their nerves were completely tense.

I thought that if I got enough obsessions, I would be safe, but now it seems that everything is empty, and I have to die.

"There is a pattern, it seems that the train is indestructible to what is in the mist."

Zuo Qiwen looked at the crowd and said, "Have you noticed, this door is not strong, but what's inside is... it can't be rushed out, and there are windows, obviously with the power of red clothes, it can be easily smashed, but They still have to open the windows honestly before they dare to come in."

Several people's eyes lit up.

"And this is also the key to our life. The main thing to prevent now is... the evil spirits open the window."

Zuo Qiwen finished speaking.

There seemed to be something knocking on a window on the left.

Outside, as if something wanted to come in, it knocked on the window like knocking on the door.

"The train is running at high speed, and anyone who can knock on the window is definitely not a person. You must be careful, and don't open the window!!"

Several people looked nervous...

Nine carriages.

Almost every episode, something like this happens.

Except for the teams that have the town of rank gangsters.

The rest of the team figured out the pattern only after paying one or two losses, and began to close the doors on both sides and guard the windows at the same time.

But even in the big class car.

It started to get more and more difficult.

Many things were knocking on the windows outside, and the eager knocking sound almost drove the people in the car crazy.

Everyone is struggling against it, this foggy road...  

And in Jiang Che's carriage.

The style is slightly different.

If others see it, they will be shocked.

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