After a few steps, it suddenly pulled out one leg, bringing out bursts of afterimages, setting off the sound of wind whistling, with terrifying strength.

Jiang Che stretched out a hand to block the attack.

But at this time, the spider monster grinned and stretched out its neck fiercely. It turned out to be like a giraffe, more than a meter away, and suddenly stretched out in front of Jiang Che.

Then it opened its big mouth, a suffocating energy, evil power, mixed fierce attacks, and was spit out fiercely.

This is the long-awaited killer move of the spider monster.

It seems to underestimate the enemy, but in fact it is full of acting skills, and it is an old drama.

After all, the spider monster understands that the old zombie has been messed with by this kid, it is weaker than the old zombie, how dare to underestimate the enemy and think its spider monster is Shabi "Not good!"

Zuo Qiwen's expression changed: "Brother Jiang, it's cheating!"

Several people's faces changed slightly.

I didn't expect these... Evil, they are all so cunning.

A few evil spirits brightened up.

Brother Spider is awesome! And just when the spider monster's eyes showed a happy look, a hammer suddenly enlarged in its eyes, and then—bang!! The spider monster flew out and slammed into the wall of the car.

It lost its head and fell behind a group of evil spirits, its legs and feet kept twitching.

Everyone, all the evil spirits:...Jiang Che walked towards this group of evil spirits with a sledgehammer.

On his face, there was a smile like a spring breeze: "Come on, brother Meng, let's discuss an interesting question in depth - how many of you can withstand my hammer?"

All the evil spirits were stunned.

What the heck is this? You're a dog, I don't want to discuss it!! You make a triumph, and I'll bark when you come again! And then in this carriage.

There were screams one after another.

"Don't come here!"

"Let go of me, I want to go back to my grave."

"Dad, forgive me!"

"I fought with you, and after [-] years, I'm a good ghost again!"

"Come on, brother Meng, fight with this devil, one of my head-cutting ghosts falls, and thousands of head-cutting ghosts will stand up!"

"This cup is for freedom and blood! Although I die today, my ideals will not die!!"

"Vampire, you are so special, respect it, why do you bite Lao Tzu's leg?"


A group of evil spirits shouted their slogans very loudly. Those who didn't know it, thought Jiang Che was a big villain.

Several capable ones.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was completely dumbfounded.

"Oh, it's too tragic. This tragic battle will become one of the most tragic rumors in the history of evil."

Zuo Qiwen showed admiration: "Record it, be sure to record it!"

He just took out a special camera and started recording.

The Taoist chief said with emotion: "This is the first time for a poor Taoist to see such a bloody evil spirit. This can't help but remind me of my lost youth, just like running under the sunset that day..."

"These... Ghosts are quite literate. What they are talking about, I don't understand at all."

Ding Yang scratched his head embarrassedly.

Everyone looked at him sympathetically.

This stupid boy.

The level of education is not as good as that of the ghosts of the [-]s and [-]s.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Che ended the experiment with a satisfied face.

In addition to this wave of battle, he directly gained more than [-] energy in the fog.

Then Jiang Che tried again, causing the female ghoul to emit blue smoke.

Seduce evil spirits to come.

Who knows that this time, the evil spirits outside seem to have learned to be smart.

Not a single one got hooked.

And actually.

In the depths of the fog, a strong aura appeared.

0 is shivering at the moment.

Damn, what a horrible train.

Six or seven such powerful elder brothers were dragged in at once, and then they let out a shrill scream.

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