They never... never came back.

Even a lot of evil.

Even more so, I have witnessed with my own eyes how Jiang Che only smashes those of the same kind.

This terrifying scene directly left indelible scars in the hearts of many evil spirits.


All evil have chosen to stay away from this terrifying death train.

After seeing that the female ghoul is useless.

Jiang Che kept his promise and said, "Let's go."

The female ghoul deliberately asked: "You really won't regret it"

This is in terms of words, blocking Jiang Che, preventing him from getting off the stage, and letting him go more safely...  

Jiang Che waved his hand: "I, Jiang, said that I want to let you go, so you can leave in peace."

A smirk appeared in the female ghoul's eyes.

Haha, arrogant humans.

You know what you're going to say.

Swipe!! The female ghoul jumped out of the window.

But suddenly, a big hand grabbed her ankle, and then a voice shouted: "Come and have a look, fresh ghouls, zombies eat a bite, you can increase your skill for ten years..."

The female ghouls were stunned.

You are too cheap! Can you be a person "Didn't you say you want to let me go?"

she asked with a venomous voice.


Jiang Che chuckled lightly: "You can go, but you're still jumping up and down: on a high-speed train, rolling out the window, it's too dangerous, I'm holding you, it's all for your own good. what."

"Listen to what I make up with you, looking out of the train window: going, there are the following disadvantages, first, it is easy to teach bad children, second, this kind of behavior, if you don't pay attention, you may hit the window It's bad, what a loss to the train driver. The third and most important thing is that when you turn over the window, your feet are facing the inside of the train. What if the smell of your feet affects other passengers?"

Jiang Che spoke bitterly and eloquently.

It directly listed three points: the danger of turning over the window, and hearing the female ghoul, I was stunned for a while.

Suddenly she reacted.

You said a lot like that.

Not a single one is harmful to me, ok fart for my good! Billion!

Chapter [-]: Weird Hospital

Of course, even under Jiang Che's sincere selling.

There is no evil trick again.

Ha ha.

How many times have you killed so much... how can we still be fooled by the evil spirits! In the end, in order to prevent the female ghoul from going through the window, Jiang Che had an accident, so he hammered her to death.

After sighing a few words, doing good deeds every day, and feeling at ease.

Jiang Che walked towards the carriage at the back.

Throughout the train, the style of painting began to distort.

Inside the cars, the sneaky, evil spirits who were hurting people, turned into victims.

In the eyes of those monsters in the fog, this train instantly became a mysterious, dangerous, death train! Accompanied by the screeching sound of '呲呲'.

The fog in front of me has become: a little lighter.

Second stop, arrived.

Outside "seven nine, seven"

The face of the scene makes everyone look ugly.

Because of this second stop.

It can also be said that the 23rd,, station.

Around the train, there are four 44 scenes with different styles: hospitals, casinos, night markets, and ancient houses are far apart. People in the train can hear some weird sounds and see some weird sights.

The hospital was brightly lit, and people were shaking, but there seemed to be chopping, the sound of chopping things, and some screams.

There were countless shouts and bets from the casino, and these... The shouts were a bit strange, and they all shouted three years of life, one leg, two eyeballs, and so on.

The sound of the night market was very chaotic, it seemed that something was being bought and sold, and some people were eating.

All in all, it was hilarious.

But under this lively scene, there is a rotten smell coming out.

Only the old house was dead silent.

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