There was only a faint faint cry, resentful and tactful.

These pictures and sounds directly caused all those with abilities to stand on end and their scalps to explode.

This is so special.

I've come to the ghost's nest!! After all, in the death platform, apart from them, there will never be a living person.

And the more lively these scenes are, the more uneasy everyone is.

A group of capable people bit the bullet and got out of the car, almost subconsciously, they gathered in a pile, seeking a sense of security.

No one had a good-looking face.

Even the three 3rd graders all looked solemn and panicked.


Any one is enough for everyone to drink a pot.

Not to mention, there are four 44 scenes here!! Who knows, once the ghosts in one of the places are disturbed, will the rest of the places rush over?" There are more than [-], more than four, and even some ghosts with an order of close to [-], in that ancient house! In this dead platform, apart from... the supervisor, there is the most terrifying existence."

Huang Tianhu's voice was dry.

"Moreover, the measuring instrument shows that the limit that can be perceived is... ten evil spirits!"

Everyone's breathing became heavy.

The expression on his face was extremely ugly, "This special is too mysterious, right? There is an evil and different-level bigwig that is difficult to see in the outside world. This special is everywhere!"

"The challenger team played."

"Brother Meng, after you die, my wife and daughter will raise them!"

"Hehe, you guys continue to be skinny, you'll have to cry later."


People are not really desperate.

But there is not much hope in their hearts.

Several levels of powerhouses looked at each other.

The most terrifying point, they haven't said it yet, and they don't plan to say it again, which affects morale.


The four 44 scenes are together, and when the time comes, the supervisors will be dispatched together with the four 44s.

[-] is a big watershed.

Four 44, 44, [-], [-]+ level supervisors took action. That scene is a shattering scene. It can be said that they want to level the four [-] scenes that are now extremely terrifying in the eyes of everyone. It's a matter of time.

The team finally chose the hospital as the first location.

This hospital, it can be seen that it is a little old, it is more than four floors high, and the decoration is the kind of... old white tiles.

The door to the hospital was closed.

Bang!! Jiang Che directly smashed the door with a hammer.

Stepped in.

Everyone was stunned.

What the hell! Are you so arrogant? Jiang Che walked into the hospital. The hospital that looked like a shadowy figure from outside before came in, and it turned out to be a little gloomy.

It was very strange, only a few lights were on, and there was no one in the place for registration and taking medicine. Instead, some large black garbage bags were placed outside some departments... The group carefully followed Jiang Che. Behind.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed at the end of this corridor.

Many people were surprised.

I intend to remind Jiang Che to be careful.

But before they could say anything, they saw Jiang Che chase after him with a sledgehammer, and greeted, "If there are ghosts, keep up, don't let it run away!!"

Everyone: Are you so fierce!! Originally, everyone thought that the sneaky fell into a coma through the method of 'seduction - looking for obsession'.

After all, these... the evil spirits in the area are not... comparable to the first scene. Any one, I am afraid that the team will be reduced.

You can't be tough at all.

But since Jiang Che rushed forward.

Everyone could only bite the bullet and follow behind.

And when everyone rushed over the corner, they only saw that there was a huge pothole left on the spot, where there is nothing but the bottom of the pit.

It appears to be a wisp of white.

Jiang Che held the hammer and waved his hand: "It's alright, I was just a nurse who was lazy at work, and I have already replaced the dean and killed him."

"Go, keep going up, I vaguely hear someone screaming above."

The team went to the second floor.

And no one found out.

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