"Fuck, why is Brother Jiang so reckless all of a sudden?"

"This is too fierce. I just saw an evil spirit, and just a burst of power, and then in that operating room, the floor was completely crushed, and the evil spirit disappeared."

"It's all a one-shot kill"

"What the hell is this iron-blooded thigh!!"

Attention of all able.

It's no longer how scary this place is.

It turned into - how terrifying Father Jiang is.

Almost everyone suspected that the evil here could force Jiang Che to take the second hammer.

You can go to the fourth floor.

In one of the largest offices, there was a wave of evil spirits that suppressed everyone and made their hearts tremble.

The crowd was shocked.

"This is a ghost with a magnitude of more than [-], this is the most powerful evil possible!"

Huang Tianhu said solemnly.

All the capable ones responded.

in a scene.

There will indeed be one, except for the supervisor, the strongest evil, which often exceeds the strength limit of the scene.

Like the first scene.

The strongest are generally those with a strength in the top red clothes and a combat power of around [-]: Xie Yi.

But the boy in the haunted house can explode with a combat power of the order of [-], which is very terrifying.

Click! Suddenly, everyone's body froze.

On the fourth floor, the largest office, the door, opened.

A middle-aged man with two scalpels and a pair of black-rimmed glasses came out.

On his face, there are mysterious dark lines, which are evil patterns, only the middle-level evil spirits with an order of more than [-] may have them.

The moment a middle-aged man stepped out.

the entire hospital.

A dead silence.

Originally, there were strange footsteps on the corridor, as well as some remaining departments on the fourth floor, some sounds of surgery, mourning, etc..., all of which came to an abrupt end.

As if these things were afraid of something.

An extreme coldness radiated from the middle-aged man.

There is a sign on the chest of the middle-aged man: Dean.

His eyes are very strange, obviously black and empty, but everyone will feel that he is staring at himself.

"You are here to see a doctor"

The dean looked at the dozens of capable people and made a hoarse voice.

dozens of people.


On this dean, they felt the terrifying pressure.

As if the other party wanted to.

It can kill anyone here in no time.


The dean frowned, "Since you're not here to see a doctor, the hospital just has a batch of human specimens, so you should be this."


A dark force spread from under his feet.

At the same time, the dean burst out with a terrifying breath.

this moment.

Everyone felt that the hairs on their bodies stood on end, their scalps were about to explode, and an astonishing chill surged up their backs.

Those... pitch-black powers instantly imprisoned those with all abilities.

Only three people were not affected.

The dean was interested, and his dark eyes looked at the three of them: "I haven't seen such a powerful human specimen for a long time, I'm really lucky."

His voice seemed calm.

But it hides an insane madness.

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