"You may not believe it."

Huang Tianhu covered his body with golden light, and a ferocious tiger phantom was outside his body, blocking the erosion of those... pitch-black forces: "This time there is a stronger human specimen."


The dean was interested and sent out a question word with great interest.

He was like an old gentleman, with ten feet of grace.


Bang!!! Dean's figure disappeared.

There was only one big hole left.

The floor 'dong dong dong' shattered layer by layer.

A figure in a white coat crashed through the three-story hospital building.

Jiang Che jumped down, chasing after the dean.

The corners of Huang Tianhu's mouth twitched twice: "Look, I said there is a stronger one... but this stronger one probably wants to make you a specimen!"

the other side.

The dean climbed up from the deep pit on the ground, his frame was shattered, his clothes were messy, and he looked extremely embarrassed.


He just snorted coldly.

In the dark eyes, violent black power surged out.

It suddenly attacked Jiang Che who was still in the air.

However, at this time, Jiang Che didn't mean to say much, and held the sledgehammer high: "Ming! Prison! Town! Heaven! Tribulation!"

The violent hell suppression, bang!!!!!! The entire hospital building collapsed with a bang, those corpses who...

"Fuck, what the hell is this guy crossing the river and directly demolishing the building?"

These... Corpse Crushers were originally planned.

Put the intruder on it first.

Then, together with the evil spirits on the second floor, they attacked and frightened these humans to death.

As a result, when they walked to the second floor, they discovered that the evil spirits on the second floor had already been destroyed.

So they caught up with three layers.

Who knows. ...still didn't catch up.

The evil spirits on the third floor are also dead.

Chapter [-] Gathering for Gambling?die! (The first update ~ please subscribe)

And now, when this group of ghouls, diligently, are catching up to the fourth floor.

Only then did I realize that the building collapsed directly! How could this be? Under Jiang Che's fierce hammer, the hell was suppressed, and the entire hospital building collapsed suddenly.

Fortunately, there are only four floors, with a height of about ten meters, and it is no problem for people with multiple levels of ability to jump down with their powerful physique.

Bang bang bang! More than [-] people jumped down and landed on the open space in front of the hospital.

Everyone's mouth twitched, watching the collapse of the building.

"Is this really an exorcism?"

"It's just like the Avengers are dispatched!"

"This sturdy body, a terrifying hammer, is indeed your Hulk! You finally grabbed Thor's sledgehammer!"

"Snakeskin Hulk."

Rumbling mysterious and powerful ghost fire.

Wreak havoc on the rubble of the hospital.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, some ghouls, and the remaining two or three doctors, patient ghosts, screamed in pain.

But there was also a terrifying long howl.


"Damn you!"

A figure with two scalpels.

Withstanding the raging fire of the sea, he charged towards Jiang Che.

His figure was dragged out of afterimages.

After all, the dean is an evil of the order of [-] or more, and his strength is terrifying, and he can bear this hammer.

It flickered.

Appearing directly behind Jiang Che, the scalpel shot into the black light and stabbed it fiercely.

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