The pig-headed monster laughed and took out a pointed pig-killing knife that was more than one meter long.

On the pig-killing knife, the suffocating aura was overwhelming, apparently killing countless people.

When all the gamblers were watching this scene with a sneer.

A deep voice suddenly sounded.

"Get out of the way, check the gambling, who is covering this?"

Jiang Che took a sledgehammer and strode in.

"I heard that you are gathering people to gamble here, and now I order you to close your business immediately, otherwise, die!"

All the gamblers were stunned.

What are you... looking for death? Come and gamble in the ghost nest. "Huh! Come and play, my brother pig welcomes you. If you are looking for trouble, kill them and throw them out!"

The pig head monster waved his hand: "kill him, take an arm's gambling money."

A word fell.

Even if there are more than a dozen gamblers with red eyes.

He desperately rushed towards Jiang Che.

These gamblers are not only physically disabled, but also have a yellow face and thin muscles. At first glance, they can't even eat because of gambling, so they were so hungry.

"The power of the sky!"

Jiang Che shouted without saying a word.

The sledgehammer instantly enlarged and crashed down.

Bang!!! A dozen gamblers blamed.

Instantly became a puddle of minced meat.

Of course, these... gamblers are not strong, they only win in a large number, each of them only has the strength of the evil spirit in the first playground, one or two thousand energy, but then, when Jiang Che shot, the pig head monster With a wave of his hand, countless gamblers all surrounded him.

That's where the gambler gets tough.

For the rest of the ghosts, as long as they saw Jiang Che being so fierce, they would definitely have been cowardly for three points, and they would have run away long ago.

But gamblers are different.

Knowing that they will lose, they will continue to gamble. This is their obsession and resentment.

He knew that Jiang Che was very strong.

But in order to get rich rewards, they still choose to gamble and work hard.

Chapter [-]: Zaan Spade K (Second Update ~ Sorry for being late)

Facing the crowd of gamblers.

Jiang Che swung the sledgehammer, and blood and flesh splattered in the huge field.

His physical strength was also rapidly depleting.

In addition to the previous high-intensity battles, Jiang Che's breathing became a little heavier, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

at this time.

The pig head monster who has been watching from the sidelines.

Excitedly, he widened a pair of pig eyes like copper bells.

"If you are a human, you will definitely be tired."

It's not in a hurry.

Waited another three or five minutes.

All the gamblers under the jurisdiction of the pig-headed monster were ordered by him to rush towards Jiang Che.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 120 energy."

Jiang Che's energy steadily increased.

Soon, he broke through the 81 mark directly from 85, and more than [-] gamblers died under his sledgehammer.

, another five minutes passed.

Energy reached 90.

, while the last dozen or so gamblers rushed up.

The pig-headed monster quietly walked behind Jiang Che.

Tang Zi quickly reminded: "Be careful!!"

But this pig-headed monster was extremely flexible, its figure flashed, and it had already rushed towards Jiang Che.

Whoosh! The blood-stained sharp-tipped pig-killing knife pulled out the wind whistling.

Seeing that this handle... One meter long and half a meter wide 573, it was like a big sword with a huge axe that was about to slash at Jiang Che.

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