
Jiang Che's eyes suddenly turned red, and he let out a roar.

Ferocious as a beast, hunting in ancient times, it can shock all things - fear shock.

For a moment, the pig-headed monster felt his body tremble, as if he was being stared at by some vicious beast.

At this time, Jiang Che turned his head, his scarlet eyes were like a demon god descending to earth: "The fire of hell! Phoenix flame! The power of shaking the sky will break the Forgotten River!"

Sledgehammer held high.

Bang!!! "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200 energy."

"Nine hundred and twenty-five thousand,,."

Jiang Che murmured something.

Just threw that... pig-killing knife to Liang Jianguo.

"Come on, I hear a weird noise up there!"

A group of people picked up these... gamblers' obsessions and walked up together.

On the way, Jiang Che took out a crystal-like, white jade Huitian Dan, with Shen Xi faintly flashing on it.

Swallow it in one bite.

Immediately, the incense overflowed.

Jiang Che's injury and physical strength recovered [-]% in an instant, and his whole body was alive again.

Everyone stepped on the fifth floor in a row, and there was not a single ghost.

When we reached the sixth floor, it was a bit strange.

This is a hall, it is pitch black, and I can't see my fingers.

Those who have the ability want to cast power to illuminate.

But it was found that the light was suppressed here.

"This place is so weird."

"My fire-type abilities are actually suppressed."

The boundless darkness is depressing.

Suddenly, strange footsteps sounded in the darkness, the footsteps were far and near, sometimes in the corridor outside the hall, sometimes as if they were behind someone.

From time to time, those who have the ability feel that someone is blowing in their ears.

Everyone is creepy.

Although everyone has seen a lot of ghosts.

But when I think about it, this is probably the most powerful evil in the casino.

There is no one who does not feel terrified.

Just when everyone was panicking, Jiang Che's expression became a little weird.

He has the power of darkness.

In the dark place, it is completely like a duck to water.

In Jiang Che's eyes, a strange man with spades on a poker card was smiling cheerfully, stepping on the floor a few times in the distance, and then quietly, leaning sideways to avoid everyone, walking to some abilities The sound of footsteps was stepped on behind the people...and seeing the fearful expressions of these people, listening to their panicked words.

This old man, the smile on his face is gradually perverted, it seems to be getting more and more... excited, and began to blow air in the ears of some capable people, or to tease some people's hair, or gently touch someone from behind .

At the same time it's eating something.

It seems that the fear of the crowd can bring some benefits to this spade.

When it walked in front of Jiang Che and blew at Jiang Che's face, Jiang Che's entire face darkened.

Nima, your bad breath is quite good! Jiang Che patted Spade on the shoulder: "Brother, it's been a long time since you brushed your teeth"

Spades spit fragrance: "It's been more than ten years, it's none of your business"

After speaking, it just wanted to intimidate Xu Zhen next to him.

The steps stopped suddenly.

It looked at Jiang Che in horror: "You can see Dad"

Jiang Che's face was aching. This strange person was actually from the ancestors of Ancestor.

, he stopped talking, picked up the hammer, and the terrifying fire raged.

Bang!! The black iron broke through several floors.

After it was smashed down, the darkness on the sixth floor disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then they saw that Jiang Che jumped into the pothole on the floor and chased after a strange person.

"Oh, so it was Mr. Jiang who solved it, so it's all right."

"That's fine, that's fine."

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