But suddenly.

Someone looked weird.

"Don't you think this scene is a bit familiar?"

"look familiar"

The capable ones were stunned.

Liang Jianguo suddenly shouted: "Damn it, I just remembered, didn't the dean just die like this?"

Someone said indifferently: "Then what do we have to worry about, Brother Jiang is not trying to hammer us."

Liang Jianguo had already run towards the stairs.

"Are you stupid? Brother Jiang is probably going to demolish the house again, this is the sixth floor, and the casino is built too high, and it will fall down more than [-] meters. Unless the ability is special, even a person with high ability will still not to vomit blood."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Respond instantly.

"Fuck,! Hurry up."

"Quick! It's too late!"


Everyone panicked and ran down, and when they reached the third floor, they broke out of the window and landed on the street.

And accompanied by a loud 'bang'.

The Boom Building really collapsed.

After a minute or so.

Jiang Che walked out of the ruins and beckoned, "Go, this illegal casino, on behalf of the empire, I have completely banned it. There is a messy snack street over there, go and have a look."

Once again, [-] energies were obtained.

Jiang Che estimated that by killing those... small monsters in the night market, they would be able to collect one million.

But when people walk into the night market.

All his faces turned weird.

Because the oncoming person is not a starving ghost that eats human flesh.

Instead, it was a funeral.

Six 66 Hey people, wearing black suits, white ties, and top hats.

Carrying a coffin, he walked out of the night market, and the ghosts on both sides of the night market had all died and were strangled: when it was empty, an iron chain slowly retracted from the coffin.

"It turned out to be this thing!"

The Taoist priest looked solemn: "It actually appears here"

Everyone suddenly became awe-inspiring: "Daoist, what do you mean by this?"

The Taoist priest's expression changed, and he uttered four words in a low voice: "Hey people carry the coffin!"

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Chapter [-] Million energy, obsidian card! (The third update ~ please subscribe)

"Hey people carry the coffin"

Everyone's face changed greatly: "Daoist, what does this mean."

The priest opened his mouth, his voice low.

"Hey brother smile, life and death are unpredictable."

"As soon as the coffin is lifted, the world comes in vain.


"As soon as the suona rang, my parents raised it for nothing."

"When the foot slips, the person calls out, and Meng Po serves the soup and the King of Hell laughs."

"Close your eyes, cover with cloth, and wait for your relatives and friends to serve."

"As soon as the coffin is lifted and the soil is buried, it will be a goodbye for the rest of your life!"

The Taoist priest said six sentences in a row, which were catchy and made everyone admire him again and again.

"Master, you are too knowledgeable, you actually know so many things"

Someone exclaimed.

The Taoist priest waved his hand humbly, like a hermit who is indifferent to fame and fortune in the world: "This is nothing, I also read it on Douyin."

"Just a little surprised that this thing actually exists."

Everyone: Then your face is so low! The other side.

Hey people carry the coffin and stop in front of the crowd.

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