There was actually a beautiful voice from inside: "I heard that there is a wicked person on the platform who will kill you if you see a ghost. Fortunately, I was quick to kill the ghosts in my night market first, so that they won't be killed by you, how about you? , I'm so dumbfounded that my brain is buzzing."

What the hell, you are so beautiful? Many people were stunned.

Since entering the platform of death.

It was the first time they saw a ghost as handsome as Jiang Da Mangfu.

"It's cruel, it's really cruel. You, a ghost who regards ghosts like a mustard, is the ghost Jiang X hates the most in his life. Today, I will avenge the innocent ghosts who died in this night market!"

Jiang Che was carrying the sledgehammer, his body was full of suffocation, and he walked to the coffin step by step.


A cold hum came from the coffin: "Stop him."

Six 66 hey people suddenly rushed up.

These are six zombies, with terrifying corpse aura lingering on their bodies, just like the six great diamonds, all blocking Jiang Che in front of them.

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

"court death!"

He directly smashed it out, and immediately someone was... smashed into the ground, but surprisingly, it didn't die, and it resisted Jiang Che's hammer.

Everyone's face changed.

It seems that this night market is indeed much more terrifying than the first three scenes.

There were actually six zombies that could withstand Jiang's hammer.

Jiang Che fought with the six 66 zombies, and the hammer method opened and closed, like a whack-a-mole, while the six 66 zombies were completely suppressed, but they were desperately trying, and Che was close to the coffin.

"No, look under the coffin."

Huang Tianhu suddenly.

Several people looked over.

I saw a red light flickering at the bottom edge of the coffin.

"The ghost here, is the magnitude there?"

Huang Tianhu said solemnly: "Thirty-five thousand, thirty-six thousand...


Tang Zi reacted: "What he said just now was all deceiving!"

"That's right."

A mysterious man wearing a cloak suddenly said: "This is the blood refining method, refining corpses, souls, demons, people and other things, you can quickly gain powerful power beyond imagination, we must stop him!"

"Go together!"

Huang Tianhu shouted.

Outside of his body, a white tiger of Gengjin rose up, rushed up and punched it fiercely, and the white tiger suddenly pounced.

However this time.

The coffin suddenly opened a crack.

A blood-stained iron chain slammed out, bang!! The loud noise of gold and iron clashing.

Huang Tianhu flew out directly, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air: "Forty thousand! He has reached forty thousand, hurry up, stop him."

Tang Zi's big hand pressed down from the air, and a large shadow hand with a diameter of six or seven meters covered it down, but it was easily broken by the iron chains.

Fang Ruyue held the moon blade and slammed it on the coffin.

Only scraped out contiguous sparks.

Just at this time.

Everyone's faces changed drastically, a terrifying aura enveloped the area, the top of the coffin was lifted, and a handsome young man with a bright red iron chain wrapped around his body, topless, floated up, and stood horizontally in the void.

The young man's face was very proud.

The breath of his body was as thick as an abyss.

Those who are oppressed by all abilities are almost out of breath.

"My subordinates are dead, and I just killed you today to make up for the loss."

As he spoke, he was covered in iron chains, waving like tentacles, making a loud 'bang bang bang' sound, with an amazing momentum.

Just when the expressions of all the capable people changed.

Bang!!!! A loud bang.

A giant hammer as large as a bulldozer suddenly fell from the void, directly slamming the iron lock ghost, a young man who had been arrogant before, into the ground.

Crowd:...I thought you were so powerful.

The stage is so big.

Before he was killed by Jiang Daddy, Jiang Che's eyebrows were one horn, blood flashed, and the blood in his body kept boiling, as if it was about to burn.

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