This is a ferocious ability - blood madness.

With this blow, Jiang Che activated three ferocious three abilities: blood madness, fear shock, and ferocious killing power.

Cooperate with the Hell Suppressing Hammer, Hell Fire, Heaven Suppressing Power, plus the power of Imperial Mountain.

Hit hard with a hammer.

He had been preparing for a long time, he thought he had planned a wave, and this wave of young men who was about to be invincible was instantly crushed and killed.

This is also normal. After all, when Jiang Che killed a [-]-level supervisor, he only used a bronze card. Now he is in a terrible state. It can be said that as long as a [-]-level supervisor does not come out , here he is... invincible...

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 350 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the energy accumulation exceeds 100.

Unlock the Obsidian card extraction permission."

Obsidian Card: Obtain the primary power of the mountain, sea and exotic beasts, all supernatural abilities, the blessing of the beast soul, and a little source of power for 1 hour.

At the end of the duration, you can get permanent enhancement of physique, qi and blood, soul, and aptitude. There is a 40% chance to permanently acquire an ability of a mountain and sea beast, a 10% chance to permanently obtain the soul of a mountain and sea beast, and a 1% chance to permanently obtain the source of origin. force.

Jiang Che was ecstatic.

After reading the description, his eyes lit up.

Compared with the 'little' power of the gold card, the obsidian card has directly become a 'primary', and it seems that the power that can be obtained, at the level of the obsidian card, there has been some kind of qualitative change.

And the things that are permanently enhanced have also become four items: qi and blood, physique, soul, and aptitude.

The most important thing is, of course, the power of the source.

This is the first time that this statement has appeared. It was the same as the beast soul when he arrived at the silver card. The power of the beast soul impressed Jiang Che very deeply, so he was naturally looking forward to... this power of origin.

"Draw the obsidian card."

Jiang Che was not hypocritical and chose to draw.

A higher-quality, stronger alien card is Jiang Che's most fundamental strength, and everything else is just icing on the cake.

Chapter [-]: The Age of Mountains and Seas - Yinglong Card! (Fourth update ~ please subscribe)

"Ding, do you spend 10 energy to draw an obsidian card?"


Jiang Che nodded.

"Ding, start drawing obsidian cards."

Accompanied by a whole million energy, flaring away.

A mysterious wave suddenly appeared in Jiang Che's body, like an irreversible force, this space became still.

Wow—! A stack of ancient cards appeared in front of Jiang Che.

Some mysterious runes are engraved on the back of the card, and every exotic beast card is like this.

The only difference is that these cards are all dark and full of texture, just like blocks of black jade, the material is extremely unique.

Jiang Che felt an ancient aura when he touched it.

He took one out of the middle at random.

Putting it in front of him, Jiang Che's eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise: "Fuck,! Personality has exploded!"

"What's the matter, go straight out"

Jiang Che is "seven nine, seven"

I don't know how to describe the rarity of this card.

I saw two quirky symbols written in the center of the blank card.

'Yinglong', of course, Jiang Che didn't know this symbol, but he could sense at a glance, these two characters - Yinglong! .

Anyone can see it.

will understand what this means.

"No, the card draw this time is one level higher than the gold card, so it's just not that good."

Jiang Che just had a little doubt.

I felt a terrifying suction coming from my body, which came from the card in my hand.

The void in front of him suddenly distorted, and the picture inside made Jiang Che's scalp tingle.

"Is this so..."

In the picture, a plant of grass is bigger than the current tall buildings, and a drop of water contains unimaginable terrifying power. It is a magnificent and magical world that is unimaginable.

A giant bigger than the mountains and seas was roaring in the sky, and his head almost shattered the sky.

And a divine dragon that is unparalleled and more terrifying than a giant.

It burst out with divine might, and it ripped off a large piece of flesh and blood of the giant with one claws. Among them, a drop of blood was enough to blow up a small world. Among the flesh and blood, Shen Xi was bright and strong, and it was almost a piece of flesh and blood. Create a fairyland! "Fuck,!!"

Jiang Che looked dumbfounded.

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