If you let him in, I'm afraid he will be crushed to death by a grass.

Suddenly, the terrifying, divine dragon that was so terrifying that it could not be described in words, turned his head and looked at Jiang Che, to be precise, at the card in his hand, a human sigh flashed in the dragon's eyes: "Promise, now. have you started?"

Ying Long shook his huge head, his claws tore off a piece of his scale, and threw it over.

Thorn, thorn!! The scales directly crush the void and the avenue, which is extremely terrifying.

In the end, it fell into the card in Jiang Che's hand and turned into a smart dragon.

And the terrifying Ying Long gave Jiang Che a deep look, his eyes were deep, he didn't know what he was thinking, and finally he waved his claws, and the mirror of the void shattered.

Jiang Che came back to his senses, looked at the card in his hand, and felt a little unreal in his heart.

"I really saw it just now, that... Chuanhai era"

"Is that Yinglong killing Kuafu or Chiyou?"

Giants are too big.

Jiang Che couldn't see the whole picture at all, so he couldn't tell.

"Fuck,!! It's awesome, it's really the mountains and seas that cross the river of time and space, and I met the second boss of the mountains and seas"

As a Shanhaijing lover.

Jiang Che's excitement was beyond words.

At this time, many people came back to their senses, scratched their heads, and looked dazed. They always felt that what happened just now, but they couldn't say what was wrong.

Jiang Che put away the obsidian card in his hand.

Just by touching it, he could feel a force that made him tremble.

With this card.

Jiang Che was confident.

Even the so-called gods, he can kill! If one day, he steps into the mysterious world, or guards the cracks, and encounters the so-called gods in that world, or encounters an old acquaintance - the real body of the blood god.

So from now on, Jiang Che doesn't have to be afraid of them anymore, as soon as the Yinglongka is used, he can directly crush it and kill it! One million energy is spent.

The current Jiang Che has directly become a poor ghost again, with only more than ten thousand points of energy left.

He greeted a few people and walked towards the ancient house. This house is extremely old and looks a bit of the style of the Republic of China.

Several people walked over.

A long distance away, you can vaguely hear a woman's cry.

The house has an outer wall and two painted red gates with bronze lion door knockers.

Many people are a little amazed, and most of the many monuments now have rarely seen such an antique house.

on the door plaque.

A few big characters.

Only vaguely see three words: the General's House.

It seems that this was once the residence of a great warlord from a certain separatist side during the Republic of China.

A group of people walked over.

Jiang Che just wanted to smash the door, but as soon as he reached out and touched it lightly, the door actually opened by itself, and a group of people walked in with a strange look on their faces. Together.

I still feel a little chill in my heart.

It was as if there were some incomparably terrifying resentful spirits hidden in this house.

"Be careful, the strongest evil here, the magnitude has exceeded [-], I am afraid that it is stronger than the supervisor in the first scene!"

Zuo Qiwen reminded the people in the team.

"Just now, someone seems to have passed by."

A woman in the line suddenly pointed to the corridor and said, "It's a woman with hair down, and she walks in a strange way!"

Everyone heard this.

All were horrified.

Suddenly, a woman walked past an old house without people.

That's definitely not a person! And Jiang Che was excited: "Go, don't let her run away!"

He picked up the sledgehammer and chased after him.

But after rushing through this long corridor and walking around a corner, in Jiang Che's line of sight, except for the house at the end, he couldn't see anything at all.

Suddenly, Jiang Che felt a little itchy on the top of his head, and when he looked up, a pale woman's face was smiling grimly at him.

The woman's hair rubbed against Jiang Che's scalp a little.

Jiang Che also laughed, and looked at the woman for a moment.

Then a big hand directly grabbed the woman's hair and slammed it hard on the ground.

A deep hole appeared in the ground.

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