This palm.

It directly covered sixty or seventy people in it.


Jiang Che let out a low cry.

He stomped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet, and rose into the sky with a bang.

The rest of the people took advantage of this opportunity to retreat quickly, it was very difficult for them to get involved in a battle of this level.

BANG!!! A loud noise.

In the horrified eyes of everyone.

The invincible Jiang Che was smashed into a huge pit by this palm.

All the capable people swallowed wildly.

The power of Yingjun made them despair.

And suddenly.

Someone found that the ground suddenly exploded under the black air that the baby figure was in.

A figure with a sledgehammer rushed out.


"Phoenix flames!"

"The power to control the sky, break the forgetfulness river!!"

Jiang Che attacked suddenly, with a savage hammer, directly smashing Yingjun under the hammer, blasting out a huge deep pit.

But below, the black fog gradually filled... At this time.

Jiang Che suddenly felt dark in front of him.

All around him suddenly darkened, and there was no light in sight.

A big foot that covered the sky, stomped down, and the giant doctor had a simple and honest smile on his face. He didn't say a word, but he made a move... Ultimate move, on top of a big foot, a pitch-black evil spirit The power is violent and heavy, plus its terrifying physical strength, this foot is enough to trample a tall building.

Bang!!! Big feet fell hard.

A huge pit appeared in place.

"Big man, what are you doing!!"

In the pit, a resentful voice sounded.

A layer of black mist flowed like mercury, turning into the broken body of a baby, which was very angry.

Originally, Jiang Che's hammer just smashed his body apart. He could be reorganized in almost a second, but when Yingjun was half-reorganized, he was trampled down again by a big foot with violent power.

Two consecutive body shatters.

This made Ying Zhaonuo and Zhao Jun very uncomfortable.


Doctor Giant glanced coldly at his feet: "I stepped on it wrongly, what about people?"

He questioned.

But he didn't mean to apologize at all.

And this time.

In the ears of the giant doctor, Jiang Che stepped out of the void. He directly used the special ability of the void boots to step into the void, dodge the attack, and then appear here.

The single corner of Jiang Che's eyebrows burst out with terrifying blood.

on his body.

Raging power emerges.

He slammed the blame hard.

Bang!!! A loud bang.

One of the giant's ear was directly blown to pieces.

Half of his head was bloody.


The giant covered his ears and let out a miserable howl, his body staggering.

Many capable people looked excited.

But suddenly.

Jiang Che, who fell from the sky, had a cold look in his eyes.

Chapter [-] Brother, have you seen God? (Second update ~ please subscribe)

Under everyone's astonished gaze, Jiang Che suddenly froze in the void, unable to continue his whereabouts.

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