He seemed to be grabbed by the limbs by an invisible person.

And this time.

Yingjun let out a yin laugh, and the black energy instantly recovered its broken body.

It stepped out one step at a time, walking calmly, as if it were the king of the world, with one hand on the top of Jiang Che's head, Yingjun's eyes became pitch black, like two forbidden abyss, a violent soul force swept towards Jiang Che fiercely 's soul.

Yingjun was originally bred from resentment.

This kind of monster, born with a half-soul body, is best at attacking the soul.

the other side.

Half of the giant's face was bloody, and his eyes were red.

It was completely enraged, endured the pain, and stabbed Jiang Che fiercely, saying it was a stab, it was more like a smashing, violent force, blasting out a sonic boom.

at this time.

In Jiang Che's mind, a terrifying soul body filled with resentment and vicious power had already invaded.

Yingjun's expression is cold and majestic, just like an emperor, and he said: "Destroy!"

Follow the law.

A black soul storm blew up in Jiang Che's mind, enough to shatter everything.

In Yingjun's eyes 797, there is a hint of meaning.

But suddenly, it looked stunned.


"Moo...! In the depths of Jiang Che's soul.

Two distant beast roars sounded, as if from the beginning of time immemorial.

"What the hell is this?"

Yingjun felt his scalp go numb.

At the moment when the two beast roars sounded, its soul body showed signs of rupture!! "Not good!"

It hurriedly backed away, trying to escape.

But at this time, a terrifying devouring power came from the depths of Jiang Che's soul sea. At the same time, a layer of darkness swept over and sealed his entire soul sea. In Yingjun's terrified and desperate eyes, two The little beast, hopping happily, walked out from the depths of Jiang Che's soul sea.

Da Da Da!! A small beast is like a lamb, with compound eyes at the joints.

What's wrong with you! What kind of eyes look like you can't wait to eat this gentleman! The other little beast is even more weird, chubby, a meat ball with wings on its back, ramming, jumping, and occasionally throwing The other little beast was knocked over, completely indistinguishable.

And that's just two silly little beasts.

But it was brought to the baby.

A deadly sense of threat! It felt like its scalp was about to explode, and it retreated desperately, but the strange darkness was so solid that it could not allow it to shake at all.

And the two little beasts have come close.

The little lamb kicked the meatball beast away with a kick of disgust.

It rushed towards Yingjun suddenly, and the milk in its mouth made a whirring sound.


It seems cute.

But in Yingjun's eyes, this is a terrifying devil! Brush! As soon as the lamb flashed past, Yingjun's arm disappeared and "don't come here!"

"Go away!"

In Jiang Che's soul sea, Yingjun fled everywhere, but unfortunately, the sheep's horn: small beast, after swallowing one of its arms, seemed to become stronger and stronger, and soon caught up.

Jiang Che's consciousness, speechless, watched, that... In the sea of ​​his soul, Yingjun, who had been arrogant and domineering before, was brutally devoured by his gluttonous and stupid son. within a short period of time.

When Yingjun's body outside showed a dull look and fell from the air, the giant doctor's scalpel slammed down.

And this time.

A trace of demonic energy flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.


His figure swayed, leaving only an incorporeal body in place.

Bang!!! The scalpel hit hard, and in the void, a creature was blasted out.

Everyone was stunned:.

"Fuck, Brother Che, this wave of extreme first show three, awesome!"


"It seems that Brother Che is not only a reckless man who can only rely on powerful strength to fight overwhelmingly, even at the same level, or even these... Evil, clearly stronger than him at the power level, he can still do it with ease. "

Many people are emotional.

In the previous battles, Jiang Che also surprised and shocked them.

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