But it is always an absolute repression of power.

And now his current wave of battles, with clear thinking and strange style of play, is directly a show of three, making everyone understand that this is not only a kryptonite player, but also a skilled kryptonite player! One word: strong ! But this time.

Jiang Che fell to the ground, smashing the ground with a sledgehammer, and he was gasping for breath.

It is rare to have such a good opportunity to meet a few evil spirits that just outstripped him.

Jiang Che was also happy to hone his fighting skills, but after this wave, he was still at his limit, and the physical and mental consumption was not small.

But at this time.


There was a furious roaring sound.

Everyone was stunned.

Boom!!!! The golden light flashed.

Where Jiang Che was standing, a huge crater appeared, the soil splashed, and the ground was rubbed with extreme force, and the impact turned crimson red.

"Fuck! Brother Jiang!"

"No! What?"

The worries on the faces of the more than [-] capable people did not lie in the slightest.

Because if Jiang Che was defeated, few of them would be able to get out alive.

Everyone was extremely concerned.

A golden figure slowly floated up from the pothole, and some people breathed a sigh of relief, because Jiang Che had indeed shown the ability of a golden body during the battle, but when he saw that person's face clearly, everyone's expressions turned gloomy.

It was the face of a strange man.

And it can be seen that his face is not complete, it seems that it was once broken into seven pieces, and now it is spliced ​​on the face.

The man held Jiang Che with one hand.

There were more than [-] people, breathing heavily and their faces hard to look at.


Huang Tianhu swallowed hard, his voice trembling: "Nine thousand nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-two, 992!"

He trembled as he reported the terrifying number.

Everyone's faces turned pale in an instant, and they almost felt that their calves were softening, and they were almost unable to stand up.

Hair was all over his body, and his scalp was about to burst.

Top Evil.

The real top evil! Infinitely close to the power of the king.


A heavy sigh.

Everyone understood why Jiang Che lost.

"I didn't expect the rumors to be true. The fifth supervisor is really a top-level evil, and it's not [-] or [-]. The so-called top level is in the true sense, infinitely close to the king, and can almost be called the peak of the half-king. Evil!!"


"I don't want to die."

Just when everyone was crying.

When the aura of the Golden Armored Corpse erupts and suppresses everything.

In the air, a faint voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother, have you seen God?"

Chapter [-] The power of God, kill the golden corpse in seconds (the third update ~ please subscribe)

Have you ever seen a god? A question was clearly heard, and everyone, evil and strange, was stunned for a moment.

Even in today's era of aura and recovery.

Many people have mastered extraordinary power, mysterious power, and even powerful creatures named 'God-level' have appeared.

But for the kind of 'God' in the legend, everyone is still in awe.

The golden armor corpse made a low voice: "pretend to be a ghost"


With a cold and stern face, he held Jiang Che high with one hand and threw it down towards the ground.

Jiang Che's body was deeply smashed into the giant pit, and smoke and dust instantly rose.

And just when the smoke was raging.


There was a sudden sound of waves in the air.

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