It shocked everyone, evil, and their chests were a little stuffy.

"What is this, where did the sea come from"

Someone is suspicious.

Tick-tock-tick, and the rain poured in an instant.

"Why is it raining suddenly"

"heavy rain."

Someone sighed with emotion.

I was surprised to find out.

The giant doctor, a baby with a broken head and a breath left.

And that... The giant doctor slashed out of the air with a knife, with arms like bamboo joints, a three-meter-high weirdo, and even that terrifying golden armored corpse standing proudly in the void, with a terrifying breath.

These four powerful evil spirits, Qi Qi was dazed and surprised.

"Why does it suddenly rain"

The giant buzzed: "My will, did not make this decision."

Bamboo Monster's voice was hoarse: "This is a world built on our will, even though she is the master, she can't jump over us, and it's going to rain, it's too weird,"

The Bamboo Man pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly took a few steps back. It looked into the pit with fear: "What kind of monster is this? I can vaguely feel that it's all related to this man!"

Yingjun, who had lost [-]% of his soul, was pale and speechless, but his eyes were full of fear.

These... the regulators are completely panicked.

Being able to override their will, this rain started silently, this man who is good at using a sledgehammer, is too weird!! Only the cold and stern eyes of the golden armored corpse stared into the smoke and dust.


His face contorted.

But at this moment, the wind suddenly raged, and the rain on the sky was like the overturning of the sea, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

A gust of wind blew, the smoke cleared, and everyone's eyes widened.

A man with the face of a bird and the body of a bird, stepping on the phantoms of two green snakes, hangs in the void, his figure is magical, and his aura is higher than that of all living beings. God's feeling is not because of his strength, but more because of his power, which gives people a feeling that he can surpass everything! It is said that it is a human face and a bird body, but in fact, there is an extra pair on the back, extending ten meters wide. The giant feathered wings, the phantoms of the two green snakes under his feet, exudes aura that is comparable to the previous Yingjun, and these are just phantoms of energy condensation.

This person is Jiang Che.

Jiang Che's eyes were calm.

He has the power of wind, sea and plague.

He stepped into the air and looked down at everything.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, the wind was howling, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and the whole world began to transform into Jiang Che's home court! Suddenly.

The golden-armored corpse let out a roar, stomping on the void, and rushing out, it smashed the air with a ruthless punch, and slammed into Jiang Che.

"Even if it's a god, I'll kill it for you!!"

Jiang Che lowered his eyebrows and glanced at him, pressing down with one hand, and in the sky, heavy rain poured down.

Countless raindrops instantly condensed into a big hand, pressing down and making a rumbling sound.

The big hand and the golden corpse collided.

A violent corpse aura and dazzling golden light erupted from the Jinjia corpse to fight against it.

at this time.

The blue Shen Xi flashed in Jiang Che's eyes.

He faintly spit out two words: "wind, rain."

It's like, the words follow the law.

Immediately, the wind assisted the rain, roaring out, and the raindrops instantly turned into thin swords, which were swept by the strong wind and slammed into the golden armored corpse.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!! Continuous explosions, one after another.

A drop of rain can be blocked by a golden corpse, and two drops can also be blocked, but it can be treated as thousands of drops of rain, crashing down, dripping through stones.


Pfft! In its chest, a blood hole appeared.

Jinjia Corpse's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief... I can't believe that his defense, even if it exists at a high level, can't be easily broken.

But these... raindrops.

It was crushed directly and this blood hole was like a thousand miles away in an ant's nest.

Puff puff puff!!! The countless blood holes on the body of the golden armor were quickly blasted out, and in the pouring rain, the feast of blood flowers exploded.

All this happened in one breath.


"how is this possible!"

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