Chen Zhongming's old voice sounded.

The two Specter's bodies trembled for a moment, as if thinking of something terrible.

Their eyes instantly turned red, and they charged at Jiang Che with their kitchen knives with ferocity and brutality.

Jiang Che raised the sledgehammer, and with such a simple action, the ground trembled.

And as he smashed down with a hammer.

Boom! !

The entire main building of the hospital shook visibly.

Zhang Xuehai, who was standing at the elevator entrance with a worried expression, looked stunned. What the hell is Mr. Jiang dealing with? The movement is so big!

For a while, he suddenly felt that such a hard job, with a reward of one million, was really unachievable.

Zhang Xuehai made a call.

"Hey, Dean? The corpse theft case is being resolved. The gentleman who came here is very capable, and the whole hospital was shaking just now. If it is resolved, I think I'll have to pay more, um, okay, okay."


Six floors underground.

Jiang Che raised his hammer.

Under the deep pit, there were only two pieces of scrap iron lying, and the ghosts of the husband and wife had completely dissipated.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 980 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 920 energy."

Hearing the system prompt and looking at the scrap metal under the deep pit, Jiang Che also reacted: "It turns out that these two kitchen knives, as things like sustenance, kept these two ghosts alive."

Then, Jiang Che looked at the altar: "Old man, at your age, you have lost all your sons, daughters-in-law, and granddaughters. What's the point of living? Why don't you let me euthanize you, and the family of four in the underworld will have a good reunion."

Hearing this, Chen Zhongming's entire face became distorted.

"Kill my granddaughter, kill my son and daughter-in-law, the old man must make you into a corpse puppet, and let your soul suffer forever!"

Hearing this, Jiang Che smiled happily: "Okay, how are you going to train me? I'm here, don't run away."

Saying that, he strode forward.

Those living corpses immediately surrounded them.

Jiang Che didn't even look at them, and went straight down with a hammer.

A continuous system prompt sounded instantly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 25 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 35 energy."


Jiang Che came to the altar in a few steps.

At this time, the entire black altar seemed to be burned by something, exuding a terrifying high temperature, and the blood pool in the center of the altar was also bubbling and boiling.

Chen Zhongming's body was like a boiled dumpling, constantly tumbling in the pot.

With his tumbling, the blood was continuously absorbed by him, and the fusion of the blood shadow and the corpse became faster and faster. I am afraid it was precisely this way to quickly complete the fusion of the soul and the corpse to achieve his goal.

Jiang Che stepped up, without saying a word, he just slammed down with a hammer.


The incomparable rage of this hammer set off a terrifying sound of wind explosion.

And below.

Chen Zhongming's corpse finally opened his eyes, his face full of shock and anger.

"Kill my children and grandchildren, ruin my good deeds, the old man will be with you forever!!"

At this time, the entire blood pool still has more than half of the blood that has not been absorbed.

Chen Zhongming's soul and corpse were only reluctantly fused together.

However, his aura was already extremely tyrannical, breaking through a certain limit, and it was completely incomparable to the little girl and husband and wife before.

Facing Jiang Che's hammer.

Chen Zhongming just raised a hand.

His eyes were full of confidence.


Chapter [-] Mysterious Gourd, Ghosts and Fires (new book for collection!!)




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