He was hammered into the ground.

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

Jiang Che raised the hammer and looked at Chen Zhongming, who was on the ground with only one head exposed. He didn't know what to say, so he had to raise the sledgehammer and smash it down again.


The main building of Huangchuan Third Hospital.

Feeling the continuous shaking, Zhang Xuehai made a phone call, and then the earthquake alarm sounded, and countless people ran out of the building and rushed into the park next to the Huangchuan Third Hospital to avoid the earthquake.

Zhang Xuehai sighed, he really couldn't pinpoint whether this Mr. Jiang would really demolish the whole building and then adopted this emergency response strategy.


Six floors underground.


Chen Zhongming roared.

In an instant, a breath of extreme coldness eroded the entire space. The speed of Jiang Che's hammering seemed to have been slowed down by dozens of times, and Chen Zhongming suddenly broke through the ground, his body was suspended in the air, and he looked at Jiang Che coldly. .

"The old man has been preparing for five years and killed countless people, just to completely reshape his body and change his life against the sky. Now you have destroyed the good things. The old man wants you to live rather than die!"

He looked into Jiang Che's eyes, so gloomy that water dripped from them.

"Blood Lightning!"

Chen Zhongming concluded with both hands, and a **** thunder blasted out fiercely.

Jiang Che was startled.

He could feel that this thunder was not simple.

"Climb the mountain!"

"Cover the sea!"

But Jiang Che wasn't a vegetarian either, and immediately his left eye was yellowish, and his right eye was glowing with blue light.

It fell with a single hammer, possessing both the terrifying power of mountains and seas, directly crushing this **** thunder.

Then an endless force burst out from Jiang Che's body.

The moment this force appeared, it directly broke through the cold aura that blocked his joints.

Jiang Che stepped on the ground ruthlessly, and a terrifying force erupted, turning his whole body into a cannonball, slamming directly into Chen Zhongming.

At the same time, the yellow brilliance in his eyes flowed, and the countless earth in the ground rolled. After tens of thousands of compressions, a piece of ground stronger than steel was formed under Chen Zhongming's feet.



Jiang Che hammered Chen Zhongming down.

This time, it smashed hard.

A loud bang resounded throughout the ground.

Jiang Che raised his hammer.

I saw that Chen Zhongming's body had been completely crushed. On the concentrated ground more than ten meters thick and stronger than steel, he was crushed by the strength of his hammer hundreds of thousands of pounds, and nothing could hold it.

However, a blood-colored soul flew out and hung in the void, staring at Jiang Che with incomparable resentment.

"You! Damn! Die!"

Chen Zhongming had worked so hard to seal his soul corpse, and changed his life against the sky. Now he was smashed by a hammer, the corpse was smashed, and it was no longer possible to achieve it. He was so angry that he was about to go crazy.

"Full body red?"

Jiang Che also saw Chen Zhongming's true face clearly.

This is actually a real red-clothed ghost, a very powerful evil.

"The old man wants you to freeze hell forever! Life is better than death!"

Chen Zhongming shouted gloomily, and then took out a small black gourd.

There was a look of cruelty and madness in his eyes.

A burst of blood-colored energy was shot directly into the mouth of the gourd, and then the entire gourd suddenly made a strange sound of "gulugulu", and a terrifying suction force came from the mouth of the bottle, constantly swallowing Chen Zhongming's body.

Chen Zhongming laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, Guiming Li Huo, burn it for me!"

With this crazy laughter, he was sucked into the gourd and became nourishment.

And this time.

The gourd is still hanging in the void, shaking constantly, making a strange sound of "cuckoo".

Jiang Che instinctively sensed something was wrong.

He didn't say a word, he stepped on the ground, the soil rolled, and his whole body fell directly into the ground, almost half a breath, and fell into the depth of [-] meters underground, and at this time.

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