

Jiang Che only felt an indescribable coldness that penetrated [-] meters of soil and invaded into his body.

At this moment, in the mortuary, a pitch-black flame the size of a pinky finger was spewing out of the mouth of the gourd, burning slowly, and it went out after burning for three breaths, and the gourd also fell to the ground with a "bang".

But it is the burning of these three breaths.

The entire hospital has six underground floors, and everything is completely frozen! !

Even Jiang Che, who was hiding [-] meters underground, felt that his whole body was about to freeze. Fortunately, he hid in time, and the power of the tortoise was very useful when it burrowed into the soil. Otherwise, he would have I'm afraid it has already become a popsicle.

Chapter [-] Counting the harvest (new book for support!)

"What the hell is this, it's terrifying!"

Jiang Che was shocked.

He understood that the gourd must be an extraordinary good thing.

But Jiang Che didn't dare to go up now, and continued to stay underground.

Two minutes passed.

"Ding, Zhu Yan (white board) has finished using it and has not obtained the ability of alien beasts."

Another few minutes passed.

"Ding, the tortoise (bronze) has been used, congratulations to the host for acquiring the ability: Miyama."

Hearing this system prompt, Jiang Che immediately trembled, his face full of excitement.

10% probability, let him bump into it!

Directly obtained a permanent alien beast ability, which is simply a big profit!

Jiang Che's terrifying state slowly disappeared.

But his physique, qi and blood have been permanently improved, nearly ten times higher than the state before using Zhu Yan and Spinning Turtle.

Today's Jiang Che has fifty times the strength of an ordinary person. With a single punch, he can unleash ten thousand jins of force, which is very terrifying.

At the same time, he was [-] meters underground and could breathe freely, and even as long as he wanted to, he could control the soil to push open a passage and go out calmly. This was part of the ability of "Yu Shan".

After waiting for a long time, the cold on the top of the head has been reduced to an acceptable level.

A faint yellow light flashed in Jiang Che's eyes, he pushed open a corridor, and climbed up. The real purpose of "Royal Mountain" is not to control the earth, so Jiang Che was a little difficult to use it. After more than ten minutes, he finally came out. .

In the morgue at this moment, all the living corpses have become ice sculptures, and even their souls have been frozen and shattered, and they have died to the point of death.

Caused all this, the big boss Chen Zhongming was also completely GG.

Jiang Che walked in a mess, and bent down to pick up the pitch-black gourd. He still had a fresh memory of how powerful this thing was.

Take out the phone.

"Hey, Dean Zhang? It's solved, please throw me a set of clothes and put them on the negative floor."

Jiang Che said these words and walked up.

Get your clothes and put them on in the elevator on the negative floor.

The Office of the Deputy Building of Huangchuan Third Hospital.

Zhang Xuehai looked excited.

"Mr. Jiang, is it really resolved?"

Before Jiang Che could speak, he hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning, I just can't believe it~"

Jiang Che smiled modestly: "It's just that the loss is a bit heavy."

He was also a little embarrassed, and he acted evilly, and as a result, he basically demolished the two underground floors of the house, and there were countless valuable equipment that might be damaged in the last extreme low temperature.

Zhang Xuehai waved his hands again and again.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Jiang? Since you kill this evil, you will make such a big noise. If you let it go unresolved, the damage in the end is more likely to be ten times or a hundred times greater. All of this, the empire They will all understand, and they will also send support to assist us in the aftermath.”

The old scholar is wise and understandable, and he can see the essence of the problem at a glance.

"In addition, I and the dean applied to the board of directors. As Mr. Jiang's remuneration, two million, please don't dislike it."

Others are reasonable and know how to be a human being. Jiang Che is naturally happy to say a few polite words and leave a private number, which is regarded as a friend.


It was evening when I got home.

Jiang Che grabbed something to eat and fell asleep.

The next day he had time to order yesterday's harvest.

【Energy】: 3950

[Function]: Draw a card

[Exotic Beast Cards]: Xiang Liu (white board), nine-tailed fox (white board)

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