A large wave of energy was harvested, enough to draw three bronze cards.

Jiang Che had already seen the power of the bronze card, and it could be used as his trump card. Once used, it was absolutely invincible.

Another harvest was the gourd. Jiang Che took it in his hand and observed it carefully.

The whole body of this gourd is black, only half the size of an adult's fist. It looks a little pocket-sized. It can't see any material. , draining its accumulated power.

"This thing, if used well, is a trump card, if not used well, it is a ticking time bomb."

Jiang Che muttered to himself, and finally decided not to use this thing easily.

At first, I was afraid that it would hurt the enemy and myself.

Second, he won't use it either.

However, Jiang Che had a vague feeling that as his strength increased, this gourd might become a big killer for him in the future.

PS: The previous chapters have been revised. If you feel that this chapter is not the same as the previous chapter, you can start reading from Chapter [-]. For some reasons, the younger brother has made major changes. I am really sorry. As compensation, I will update it later. Change to six~

Chapter [-] Quickly say that I can't find a girlfriend in my life! (New book for collection!!)

After counting the harvest, Jiang Che turned on the computer and logged in to Lingtan.com.

At a glance, the strange event has exceeded the 1500 mark, which is only collected by the spirit detection network.

Jiang Che had a vague feeling that the whole world was going through a huge change, and I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be completely turned upside down, turning into a paradise for the strong and a hell for the weak.

"Ding Ding~"

At this time, there is news from the professional group.

Jiang Che opened it and took a look.

[Zhou Hua] (Guide): Tomorrow, there will be a professional outing activity. The location is selected at Lotus Villa. We will stay overnight at the Lotus Villa. The cost of board and lodging is 600. It will be paid before [-] o'clock tonight. If it is not handed in in time, I will make an appointment with you in person. Talk, no leave is allowed!Understand?

[Zhao Weicai]: Received!

[Zhao Hong]: Received!

[Zhang Yuan]: Received!


Among them, there is a discordant voice.

[Jiang Che]: I'm on leave, and I'm not feeling well.

[Zhou Hua] (Instructor): @江CHE, didn't you understand what I said?No leave is allowed! !

Jiang Che frowned.

But seeing that the guide is new here, he chose to forgive him this time.

And soon.

[Ye Liangchen]: @周华, your ears are not easy to use?My brother Che said he asked for leave, is there a problem?

Seeing this news, the group fell silent for a while.

Jiang Che's ability to fight is nothing in the eyes of many people, after all, it is a society ruled by law.

But Ye Liangchen is a rich family who can influence the decision of the school council. It can be said that he holds the life and death of many people. When he speaks, no one dares to talk.

And waited a while.

The counselor also admitted that he was cowardly, but he did not talk about it in the group because of his face.

He chatted privately with Jiang Che.

"Jiang Che, I've agreed to your leave. Just say a few words to your friend, don't mess with me."

Jiang Che couldn't help laughing when he heard these words that contained a bit of anger and unwillingness.

This counselor is also twenty-seven or eighty-eight. He is similar in age to his previous life, but living in an ivory tower, he does not understand the sinister society at all.

Jiang Che was too lazy to reply.

He knew that since Ye Liangchen had spoken, he no longer had to worry about the school's affairs.

Then Jiang Che thought about it and opened another group.

Dayuan City elixir exchange group

There was some excitement in the group.

[Please steal me from the door]: Master, it's not that we won't help you. Now you know the situation, the rift is about to open, and those with a little bit of strength are guarded in these places, and no one is free.

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: The northwest fortress is in a hurry, the power of the empire is too tense, not to mention one E+ incident, several D+ incidents have been put on hold, and it is really impossible to support.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: Alas, Lao Na also knows about this situation.

[Four pants lose all]: I bet that no one will accept your commission!So Master, you should give me that half-spirit medicine in your hand, anyway, a big guy like you can't use it. ——Drinking Sprite.jpg

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: Thank you, Patron Zhou, for this poisonous milk!

[Girl's Little Match]: ...Master, is there anything I can help?

[Please steal me to the door]: @ Four pants lose all, awesome!

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