Those... raindrops are wrapped in terrifying divine power.

Trapping the soul of the bamboo monster and escaping the soul, this is its last trump card, and it is also ruthlessly obliterated.

in an unwilling scream.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 8.

9 quantity.”

In the end, Jiang Che lowered his head and looked at the ground, that... Yingjun, who was left half-crippled by the two stupid sons in his soul sea, he did not have the slightest sympathy. Crack the void.

Sigh!! Baby Jun's body is broken.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 7.

9 quantity.”

I have to say that Yu Qiang, as a three-line god, is very powerful. Jiang Che has hardly really exerted his ability, and just... crushed the four guardians to death.

And when the platform of death.

The five guardians were completely dead.

Suddenly, the heaven and the earth changed dramatically, the earth cracked every inch, and the will that made up this world has been completely wiped out. This illusory or real 2.

6 The world is finally going to be broken.

There was a loud bang from the ground.

All the tall buildings are collapsing.

But suddenly, a force appeared, and the momentum of destruction came to an abrupt end.

The sound of footsteps was eerily clear.

At the end of the fog, a young woman wearing a cheongsam in the 80s came out.

Jiang Che's eyes narrowed, and the master finally appeared.

with the appearance of women.

The surrounding wind and rain stopped in an instant.

Pfft! Jiang Che couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

this woman.

Damn powerful! A playful, woman's voice wafts in the wind in this crumbling world.

"You have run out of cards, so are you ready to replace my five 55 supervisors?"

"Welcome to - Death Platform!"

Chapter [-] I am incarnate, tearing apart the immortal sky! (Fifth more~)

The woman is delicate, beautiful and young.

The figure under the cheongsam is charming and slim.

But when everyone saw her, they all felt a burst of horror.

There is nothing weird about this woman, she is almost no different from an ordinary human being, if she is left in the crowd, no one will think she is a ghost.

And this is the symbol of the king.

This is a terrifying existence comparable to nuclear weapons - the ghost king! It can be forceful, and with one's own strength, create an existence in a restricted area.

It's absolutely not... something to provoke.

The huge Le'an City, just for this woman, chose to relocate most of the city's population, consuming countless manpower and financial resources to rebuild the city.

Half of the city was deserted, just because of the fear of this woman.

Huge fortifications were built in the city of Le'an, and countless troops of the empire were stationed, and the powerhouses personally guarded them.

Everything is for the woman in front of me.

All capable.

They were all pale and trembling in their hearts.

The strength of this woman's 05 makes them almost unable to give birth to the psychology of resistance.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Che, the strongest person they had ever seen, was directly suppressed with the appearance of a woman, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Didi alert, alarm, the measured person is beyond the measurement upper limit! The threatening level that cannot be estimated, please retreat as soon as possible! Retreat as soon as possible !!"

Huang Tianhu, Zuo Qiwen and others were in the hands.

Civilian detectors sounded an alarm and flashed red light.

And finally.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Several detectors were overwhelmed and exploded directly.

The woman glanced at these people lightly, but what she was interested in now was Jiang Che.

So she ignored the group of people, but stepped out one step, standing in the void, and looked at Jiang Che from a distance.

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