"You are very good. This kind of power is above all things, but unfortunately, your strength is too weak. In my eyes, even an ant is inferior."

The woman spoke to Jiang Che, her voice cold and confident: "You have to believe that if I crush you, it won't be much different from crushing an ant, but I love talents and value your strength, as long as you are willing to fight with you. Just like the golden armor, fasten it and become the supervisor here, this world will be your paradise."

She said, and threw out a dog leash.

This chain, there is nothing special about it, it is... In the 80s, in the General's Mansion, it was just a chain used to tie a dog. Now, it has long been corroded, and any capable person here can easily break it. It. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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But everyone understands.

Being on a leash just means an attitude - surrender.

Everyone looked nervous.

Jiang Che is strong.

But the woman in front of her seemed to control the world. Under the oppression of the entire illusory world, who would be her opponent? Facing a woman.

Jiang Che just chuckled: "You are here!"

Everyone was horrified.

What the fuck! Is it so rigid? The woman was stunned for a moment, but she didn't get angry "You choose to refuse"

Her eyes sharpened, and she faintly spit out two words: "Repression."

In an instant, Jiang Che felt the air around him, pressing him hard, trapping himself in it.

"I know you are very capable."

The woman sneered: "Even, you can incarnate into the form of an ancient god, but now you have already played all your cards, and I, as the controller of this world, follow the law, how can you be my opponent?"

"This seat, in control, is the power of the entire world!"

as she spoke.

The whole world is also gradually exerting stronger and stronger pressure on Jiang Che.

A terrifying pressure.

It directly caused Jiang Che's chest to feel tight and it was difficult to breathe.

"This seat will give you one last chance."

The Queen of Ghosts snorted coldly: "Submit, or die!"

With her domineering words.

The terrifying oppressive force almost crushed Jiang Che.

"The Power of the Whole World"

Jiang Che sneered: "Then I will crush your side of the world!"

"Use an alien card—"


This is Jiang Che.

First time using a gold card.

Accompanied by the alien beast card in his hand, it turned into an ancient force and poured into his body.

Jiang Che suddenly felt that a vast, ancient power was awakening in his body, and a terrifying potential erupted from one of his granulocytes. Within his body, there was a gushing out of Shen Xi, and the earth-shattering sound was reverberating.

Dong Dong Dong - Jiang Che's power grows wildly.

When all the changes were over, what appeared in front of everyone was a terrifying giant with a height of ten meters, with dark blue hair, wide wings, and fiery blood like a big sun.

Everyone was stunned:.

The Queen of Ghosts was also a little confused.

What the hell, you are so special.

What kind of shape is this? It's too cool!! It's not easy to mess with at first glance! This flaming divine brilliance, terrifying and mighty blood, please go to the battle emperor quickly! Bully me here What kind of skill is the ghost king? Jiang Che's voice was strong and powerful: "Come on, come to the ghost king sister paper, I heard that you want to play with me on a dog leash, I will play with you enough today."

Directly strode to the female ghost king.

And the Queen of Ghosts also had a solemn expression. She waved her big hand and squeezed Jiang Che fiercely in the contiguous space. However, along with Jiang Che's terrifying body, she suddenly exerted force. These... imprisoned, were directly torn apart.

And the whole platform world.

Along with this tear.

Broken again.

The ghost queen's eyes showed madness, she was directly controlling the whole world, the earth rolled up, and the tall buildings flew, ruthlessly suppressing Jiang Che.

All the forces in the entire world were attacking Jiang Che one after another.

"I'm Yuzu."

Jiang Che's eyes moved, and an extremely dangerous aura erupted from his body: "Rear the Immortal Heaven!"

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