In his eyes, a terrifying blue divine light erupted, and above his hands, there was a ruthless, fierce force, ruthlessly tearing toward these... the power from the suppression.

Stab!!!! A terrifying loud noise.

A pitch-black crack was torn open by Jiang Che, and outside the crack, there was darkness.

The Queen of Ghosts widened her eyes, her face full of resentment: "No!!!!"

Along with this crack appeared.

The entire Death Platform world was completely disintegrated.

With countless cracking sounds, the world is like a mirror-like surface, broken layer by layer.

Chapter [-]: The Stunned Queen of Ghosts

Hospitals, night markets, trains... everything turned into Yin Qi and disappeared.

More than [-] capable people are a little dazed, as if everything that happened before, the horror amusement park, the death hospital, the death-trafficking casino, and the coffin, were all just a dream.

When they came back to their senses, they found that they were in the midst of a dilapidated city.

Surrounded by various dilapidated low-rise buildings and old houses, the signboards of some shops can still be vaguely recognizable.

Here, it was the people who stepped into the concrete wall.

The first sight of the ruins of the city.

I don't know when the fog has cleared.

That...the death platform where they stepped on the train, is at the end of this street, a thousand or two kilometers away.

At this time, the ghost queen whose cheongsam had been damaged, knelt down in the middle of the street. In front of her, Jiang Che, who was taller than all the surrounding buildings, was carrying a sledgehammer, and behind her back was a pair of colorful wings. Shenmang, like, a supreme god of war.

One person and one ghost all exude a very dangerous atmosphere.

Those with more than [-] abilities were startled.

He hurriedly ran into the distance.

They couldn't bear the aftermath of this terrifying battle.

during running.

Some people saw the messy-haired Queen of the Ghosts roaring with resentment.

"You...ruined our home!"

"We... homeless ghosts, what did we do wrong?"

"We just wanted to have a home of our own!"

"I hate it!!"

The Queen Ghost Queen's voice was resentful and unwilling, and her body began to undergo strange changes.

On her skin, terrifying black lines were wandering, tearing apart her delicate body, like a black python, showing its teeth and dancing claws, a hideous monster came out from under her human skin.

This monster is more than ten meters tall, and its body is composed of terrifying resentment. Its chest is like a glass-like hole, inlaid with a magical blood-colored lotus flower.

This lotus flower is very strange. In the center is a mysterious black lotus seed with ten bright red petals.

In the lotus flower, the blood-colored resentment power was constantly flowing, and this ferocious monster with a pure black body was dyed with a hint of scarlet, and its aura became more and more brutal.

An infinitely cold and terrifying aura instantly enveloped the ruins.


The Queen of Ghosts raised up to the sky and let out a roar.

All around...the cement fortifications more than ten meters thick.

'Kacha' and 'kacha' actually opened a deep crack.

All abilities, all spit out a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, Jiang Che's wings flapped, and a gust of wind blocked most of their coercion for them. Otherwise, most of these capable people would be killed or injured! Under this roar.

"Good... so strong!"

"This is too scary!"

"Brother Jiang, can you?"

Those who are capable are worried.

I don't know if Jiang Che is the opponent of the Ghost King.

The Taoist master said quietly at this time: "You think why this ghost king can't wait to show his true body, you need to know that the old Taoist has seen three seniors from Longhu Mountain besieging the ghost king in an ancient temple, but the result is that others even He doesn't even bother to reveal his true body, so he will kill one before Shi Shi Ranli."

"Wang-level evil, monsters, only when they encounter a fatal threat, will they reveal their true bodies, because revealing their true bodies seems to be a huge burden for them!"

the other side.

Look at the monster standing up slowly.

Jiang Che's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "Home"

"A home of all ghosts, all played by you, between the palms of your hands"

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