Otherwise, after a few hours, the energy constantly pouring out of the body will burst it.

And this is exactly the effect of the Immortal Grass, the user will experience a 'death calamity', and the physical condition will return to childhood step by step.

During this process, the purest power of the user will be hidden into the soul sea, and some excess divine power and energy will flow out of the body.

When the user's strength completely disappears, he becomes an ordinary person completely.

The energy in her body will be stimulated step by step, and in just a few dozen days, it will cross the realm one by one and return to the peak.

In this process, the user can make up for the regrets of each realm. For example, in the martial artist realm, the martial artist who did not open up the sea of ​​​​qi is not large enough, and now can easily open up the sea of ​​​​qi, just like the river and the sea.

Those who take it will eventually embark on a perfect spiritual path, which is called the Supreme Divine Realm.

That is beyond the realm of the pinnacle gods.

Killing a half-immortal is like butchering a dog.

And the supreme god wants to step into the immortal stage, as simple as eating and drinking.

That is to say, once the calamity is successful, one can ascend to the sky, shatter the void, and achieve the immortal level! But the problem is that when the little fox takes the immortal grass, it is only the upper god.

Her body and strength are not enough to support a death calamity. The power pouring out of her body condenses around her, making more excess power unable to spill out. Eventually, she will be smashed by these forces, inch by inch. Break and die.

The little fox did the math before.

In this place, there is one person who can save her! So she memorized the address and came all the way.

As a result, when she jumped up excitedly, she was met with a sledgehammer.

The little fox felt that he was most likely to be helpless, and lay in the pothole helplessly.

The benefactor's hammer - it hurts! Jiang Che was stunned for a moment and looked at the ground. This little fox did not have the bloody, murderous feeling of eating people all the year round. Two eyes.

And her eyes are clear, without a trace of impurities, and she doesn't look like a bad demon.

He Jiang is not a villain.

The ghosts, demons, and demons who offend my race will be killed.

But innocent, there is no need to hammer to death, unless the energy is really not enough.

Jiang Che opened the window and jumped down, picked up the little fox, and fed it a Heaven Returning Pill.

But then, Jiang Che's whole body was... stunned in place.


He could hardly believe his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."


Jiang Che was completely dumbfounded.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

In his ear, it began to ring continuously, and a thousand energies came into the account.

Moreover, every one or two seconds, it will sound, and within a few breaths, ten thousand energy has been credited, and this momentum has not stopped! Jiang Che looked at the fox in his hand.

Immediately shocked, "Is this... the legendary—"

"God-level experience baby!"

"I haven't charged money recently, is it that the European spirit is bursting?"

"Thank you Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma is awesome!"

And this time.

The little fox's agile eyes were also looking at Jiang Che, full of joy and kindness.

It licked Jiang Che's hand very gratefully, and its long and narrow eyes curved up comfortably, as if smiling.

All the energy condensed outside the body was absorbed.

I was finally saved! Look at this little guy's affectionate appearance.

Jiang Che directly carried it upstairs.

His aura continued to soar.

After half an hour.

It finally stopped slowly.

And this time.

Jiang Che's energy has reached a terrifying 268 million! In other words, this little fox brought 160 energy to Jiang Che during this period of time! Jiang Che also noticed.

At this time, the little fox's body has shrunk to a limit, only the size of his own slap.

But within its body, it was as if there were immortal sounds resounding, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

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