The little fox at this time.

A pair of long and narrow eyes squinted slightly, lying directly on Jiang Che's hands, and fell asleep, his mouth kept whimpering softly, as if it were white jade.

Jiang Che couldn't help but slap it.

As he licked and licked, Jiang Che realized that something was wrong. The speed at which this little guy grew up seemed a bit amazing. The snow-white little fox in his hand was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it had shrunk to the smallest state. With a trace of energy, it actually quickly produced supernatural power on its body.

Based on Jiang Che's current perception.

It was easy to judge that this little fox stepped into the rank in just over ten breaths.

After half a day.

When the fox opened his eyes, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Jiang Che found out.

At this time, the little fox has a strong aura, and I am afraid that it can kill some high-level evil spirits! Its body size has also reached three-quarters of Jiang Che's palm.

"I'm afraid this little guy is not easy."

Jiang Che said in surprise.

Maybe I accidentally picked up a treasure.

He estimated that this should be a very powerful race among the demon clan, and if it is raised, it will definitely play a big role in the future.

Demons and humans are not absolute opposites.

There are a large number of people with abilities who rely on their own monster pet partners in battle. Although it is a bit of a drama to say this, it is true, aura, recovery, some people have not awakened themselves, but their pets have awakened.

For example, what Jiang Che saw on the Internet some time ago.

There is a netizen called [My dog ​​is awakened and has eggs], a husky in his family is...a blood-eyed real demon who has reached the level, and his strength is very powerful. That person posted his own experience, he once Encountered an earthbound spirit, was entangled by it, and suffered a lot.

The last thing is... Relying on his pet, Er Ha, he demolished that... Earthbound Spirit's house, which directly caused the ghost to fly away.

Although the combat method is quite special, Zhao Nuo Zhao.

But then... the strength of the Husky still shocked many people.

Because of that... The blogger also posted several things. For example, he participated in a party of ability people, had a conflict with a fire-type ability person, and was accused by people. He is an ordinary person and is not qualified to participate in such a party.

Erha, he rushed out on the spot and demolished the capable man's house. It was really demolished, and not a single beam was left.

The capable man burst into tears on the spot.

There is an even scarier thing.

That is [My dog ​​is awakened and has eggs]. One day when I woke up, I suddenly found that the light was abundant. When I turned my head, I found that my home was gone, and there was not even a piece of foundation left. Fortunately, he was just a poor diaosi who lived alone. .

From now on this old man.

I took my Erha and walked around the corner of the city, specializing in taking orders and dealing with earthbound spirits.

Even some powerful earthbound spirits at the red-clothed level could only be defeated in front of his family Erha.

It can be seen that some powerful monsters are responsible.

Chapter [-]: A Family of Three (Second Update ~ Sorry for being late)

Jiang Che had a whim, since he had obtained a demon pet, should he confess his master with a drop of blood? After all, that's what the novels say.

So he forced out a drop of blood and pressed it on the little fox on his finger.

Then... the little fox raised his little head.

He licked the blood on Jiang Che's hand.

Jiang Che: "..."

Well, it seems that I can't recognize the Lord.

But at this time, when the little fox licked off a drop of Jiang Che's blood, a sudden change occurred.

I saw that in one of its eyes, it suddenly shone brightly, with a cyan glow.

On the snow-white skin of the little fox, there was a hint of cyan, and its aura suddenly rose, not in the realm of strength, but in deterrence.

It was as if this drop of blood directly made the little fox raise its species level by a level! Its eyes completely lit up.

He looked at Jiang Che in amazement.


It let out an excited whimper.

Jiang Che listened intently for a few minutes, then nodded and said, "Can you speak imperial language, I don't understand fox language."

Little Fox: You are the devil! I don't understand.

I've been listening to it for so long, which made this baby '嘤嘤嘤' for a long time! Finally, when the little fox stood up, the two fluffy little paws gestured 797 in succession, and under the '嘤嘤嘤'.

Jiang Che finally understood that its body had undergone some kind of evolution, and it was a little hungry, so he took the little guy to a restaurant outside the community to eat...  

It is exactly noon now.

But Dayuan City issued an alert order to remind residents to go out less, so there were few people on the road.

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