Combined with the special situation in the whole world now, many people have guessed that something major is about to happen, and everyone is in danger and hiding in their own homes.

The sky was very dark, the cold wind whistled, and the fallen leaves were rolled up.

in this case.

On the street, some strange things came out.

The few passers-by became their prey, and the only few people who were in urgent business were dragged into the alley, the empty house, and then there was a shrill scream.

Today, almost all the capable people in Dayuan City have gathered to guard against the corpse king. In the streets and alleys of the city, countless evil spirits have started carnivals, and some things even rushed directly into other people's homes.

On the street, the yin is getting stronger and stronger, and some weird figures are walking around.

What's more, some corpses were dragged by these things, dragging blood trails on the street.

Inside the buildings on both sides.

Looking at this scene, many people kept their mouths shut, not allowing themselves to cry out.

Some families with good conditions have expensive doors on the door, or they will not be able to enter the door unless they encounter a red-clothed ghost, an ordinary ghost, a ghost.

But more ordinary families.

When the evil spirits broke into the house, they almost had to wait to die.

Beside the street, in an old residential area, the door of a house was closed, and the doors were blocked by piles of tables and chairs.

The man was in his [-]s, carrying a pig-killing knife that cost half of the family's savings and a high price, and protected his wife and children behind him. Cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead.

Outside the door, knocking on the door kept ringing, like a life-threatening note.

"Who is there!"

The man shouted loudly, he was full of breath, his voice seemed full of air, but a little trembling.

No one responded.

The knock on the door remained.

The thumping sound was harsh, as if it was not a hand that was knocking on the door, but something sharp.

"Dad, are you a bad guy?"

Behind the man, the little girl grabbed his soaked shirt tightly.

Men can't answer their daughters.

It would be nice if the people outside this door were really bad people.

I'm afraid, it's not a human at all! The woman hugged her child tightly, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, and her husband sandwiched her daughter in the middle.

There was only heavy breathing in the room.


"Get out, I have practiced martial arts! You have no good fruit to eat when you come in."

The man mustered his courage and shouted hysterically.


The knocking stopped abruptly.

The couple were stunned.

"Husband, are you gone?"

The woman exhaled, and her clothes were soaked through.

The man is about to speak.


A crisp creaking sound made the family of three stunned for a moment.

"What's the matter, the door isn't open?"

"what's the sound"

The couple stayed for a while.

"Dad, a sister came in there!"

The little girl suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, the couple felt horrified immediately, they turned their heads with difficulty and looked at the side window, the window was pried open, and the curtain was opened by a pale ghost hand.

A woman leaned in half of her body, her pale face was full of blood, holding a kitchen knife in her hand, grinning at the family of three, there was still meat residue in her mouth, as if she had eaten something.

In this scene, seeing the couple, their scalps would explode, and their hearts trembled.

The woman licked the corner of her mouth, and her scarlet tongue grew strangely, like a flexible tentacle.

A strong smell of blood filled the room of this small family of three.


The wife screamed in horror.

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