The man's breathing was rapid and deep, and under his thick glasses frame, a pair of eyes showed determination.

"Old...wife, bring Jiajia into the kitchen"

"Come on, ghost... ghost thing! I said that you dare to come in without good fruit to eat, go to hell!"

When a man speaks, his upper and lower teeth chatter and make a 'knock knock' sound, which is very funny, a bit like in some comedy movies, a small comedian is picked up by a strong man, trembling with fear, and throwing it at the other party. Cruel footage.

He let out a low roar like a beast, and rushed to the window in a single stride.

There is a lot of resentment on the butchering knife, and it can hurt the wronged soul. If he is stabbed with a knife, it can really hurt the female ghost.

The man has already thought of all the possibilities. Either the female ghost exits and he closes the window immediately, or the female ghost gets stuck on the window and wants to stab him, then he will ignore it and change his life for another life, so that his wife and daughter can live. down.

But the results of many things are often not predictable.

The man just stepped into the bedroom door.

Pfft! A sound.

His right chest was pierced by a long tongue, blood dripped down, the female ghost on the window sill grinned, her body slowly crawled in, and landed on the floor, on all fours, like a beast , while the man clutched his chest and knelt down slowly.


The little girl cried out.

Tears fell from his wife's eyes, but this time, she didn't cry, because she knew that she was the only one left, and she had to protect her daughter. The woman slammed the kitchen door tightly and clenched the kitchen knife in her hand.

"Wuwu mother, another sister climbed in."

The little girl suddenly cried and pointed to the kitchen window.

The woman's pupils shrank suddenly, she raised her head, and saw a monster crawling on all fours, sticking out of the window, sticking out its long tongue, and prying open the window.

Click! A crisp sound.

Chapter two hundred and seventeenth ghost attack the city (third more)

The window opened, and the monster outside crawled in with a grim smile.

The saliva from its mouth dripped on the floor, making a screeching noise, the floor was corroded, and white smoke came out.

His wife turned pale and trembling, and hugged her daughter tightly.

Just when the mother and daughter were desperate.

A strong wind blew by.

The golden Shen Xi slowly entered the room.

The desperate mother and daughter felt a touch of warmth in their bodies.

Outside the window, a man, flapping his golden wings, came down like a savior.

He was holding a fox as white as snow in one hand, and in the other hand, a sledgehammer, the head of which was like a chain of a black dragon, clanging loudly.

The long-tongued female ghost turned her head instantly, and a ferocious blood light flashed in her empty eye sockets.

She stuck out her tongue, like a high-speed arrow.

"Uncle be careful!"

The little girl shouts.

And Jiang Che just smiled gently and raised the sledgehammer.

Bang!!! The female ghost became a puddle of minced meat.

The fire on the hammer head burns, directly burning the minced meat into fly ash.

At this time, with a 'pop', the door behind the mother and daughter was pierced by a scarlet tongue.

Jiang Che's figure flashed and appeared behind them, facing the door.


The sledgehammer is raised.

Bang!!! The door was broken, and the female ghost outside became a pool of black ashes.

"Thank you sir!"

At this time, the son cried and thanked Jiang Che.

The little girl also turned pale: "Thank you uncle!"

Then the mother and daughter ran to the man who fell to the ground in unison.

Without the pillars, even if they can survive, the life of the mother and daughter will not be easy.

Jiang Che sighed inexplicably.

In this era, some people are happy and others are worried, those with ability are famous, but ordinary people are in dire straits.

He casually pulled out from the family's medicine box: a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills.

A shimmer flickered.

Liuwei Dihuang Pill + 1: cures all diseases - recovery and recovery: ordinary people's trauma can be cured by 10% within ten breaths, and completely cured within one day.

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