After more than [-] states were blessed.

Jiang Che directly became a terrifying giant with a height of more than [-] meters, blazing hot flames all over his body, and his blood was like a big sun, which could almost crush mountains, rivers and seas. Around him, the air was scorched. Burned and twisted.

And the cold flame above the sledgehammer.

It almost rose up and burned to the sky.

Jiang Che looked coldly at the factory not far ahead, and there was an extremely bloody scene in it.

Chapter [-] He is not a question of whether he is strong or not (the first update, in order to keep chapters, I gathered three chapters together, so it's late)

On the other side, above the ground, a gust of wind blew up, and a man in a suit carrying a long sword rushed towards the eastern suburbs.

Around him, one after another figure followed, the breath was terrifying and tyrannical.

The man in the suit is Luo Ji, the deputy director of the General Bureau of Response to Weird Incidents in Dayuan City.

Some of the other high-level bosses have people around their bodies that are hot and hot, and the whole body is iron red, as if they were fished out of magma.

Some people have long spears like dragons, and terrifying tiger roars burst out from their bodies. They are the great masters of ancient martial arts in Xingyiquan and marksmanship.

In someone's eyes, lightning flashes, and their breathing is like thunder.

"Deputy Bureau, which powerhouse is here, so that you are willing to issue orders and attack directly"

Qi Yuan wondered, he was on a mission outside just now, and he was ordered to come back.

Luo Ji smiled mysteriously, "You are familiar with his name."


A look of surprise appeared on Qi Yuan's serious face: "Is it an acquaintance, Lord Han, or Lord Knife Crazy?"

The rest were also curious.

All those at the top level were very important. Just five to ten minutes before Luo Ji let everyone go: All the talents escaped from their guarded positions and followed him to the mission site.

As for Luo Ji's decision.

In fact, they all have some doubts, because Jiang Yunni is too weird, not an ordinary evil spirit.

Before the arrival of the king in Luzhou City, many people did not agree with this attack, so at this time, they all turned to Luo Ji.

"The King of the Hammer—Jiang Che!"

Luo Ji said in a deep voice.


These... level powerhouses took a deep breath: "I don't think I've heard of it!"

"I haven't heard of it either!"

"Director Luo, the hammer king you mentioned, is he powerful?"

All the powerhouses are asking questions.

"It's not a question of whether he is strong or not, he is really kind of...very..."

A look of reminiscence appeared on Luo Ji's face: "Very fierce, very coquettish, and very nice to say, looks like a reckless man, but in fact is very sinister, a scheming and stubborn bitch!"

Everyone: ... You are so special, there are so many adjectives!! Are you showing off your high school culture? At this time, Qi Yuan, who has been silent all the time, was suddenly surprised: "Damn, it's my brother Jiang, can't you? , he... has become king."

The so-called king is ... breakthrough to the level, there are many different: the king exists, the king and so on.

"Follow the power in a hurry, there are some things you can do."

Luo Ji pondered for a while: "Just last night, the death platform in the restricted area was destroyed, and the tenth-generation wronged ghost was killed. After the imperial investigation, the threat of the district was announced to be lifted... After a month of observation, the district can be reopened. ."

Everyone's eyes widened.

Completely shocked by this news.

"Fuck, it's true, this King Langya entered and came out with serious injuries. He is the sixth rank of the king!"

Grandmaster Gu Wu said in surprise.

The King of Langya is a very famous king of their ancient martial arts.

"In that dream world, that... the ghost is almost invincible, and she has ten lives. If she is bombed to the last life, combined with the suppression of the death platform world, I am afraid that the king of the seventh stage will only be defeated."

A strong man with a pair of golden glasses and a high-speed ability, including body and brain speed, analyzed: "Could it be that this... King of the Hammer, is a high-ranking king who has reached the strength of rank seven!"

His eyes gleamed with great interest.

"Do not."

Luo Ji shook his head: "This person is not a member of our empire, and he has never participated in the threat level test of the Spirit Exploration Network... Well, he has participated once, and his current rating should be a level of physical enhancement ability, but It's clearly not possible."

"His strength is listed as a confidential file by my Dayuan City, and it is absolutely not allowed to detect it. Luo Tian, ​​don't think about it, kid, be careful of being hammered. If you are hammered by him, I can't help you."

Luo Ji finally reminded.

And the eyes of several people changed.

The Luo family is a big family, and the three generations are strong. The ancestors lived on Qilin Peak, and their strength was unfathomable. Luo Zhen was titled King Lei Zhen, and the fifth rank of the king was very powerful. The generation of Luo Ji and Luo Tian appeared again. They are two grades.

The Luo family plays an important role in the empire.

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