"Chen Xuan, is the camera equipment ready?"

Luo Ji turned his head and asked.

Next to him, a blurry figure that almost melted into the air made a clear voice: "Director, everything is ready, but are you sure that you want to broadcast live in the whole city?"

A cold light flashed in Luo Ji's eyes, and his tone was firm: "Broadcast! It must be broadcast!"

"These dog things have now been oppressed by the empire. If we don't do anything, we really think that we humans have been defeated!"

"Humph! If it wasn't for guarding the restricted area, the northwest fortress, the rift, these... bed bugs, they would have been cleaned up long ago!"

He was talking about the monsters and monsters that were making trouble in the city.

In the eyes of several powerhouses, killing intent was cold.

This time in Dayuan City, those... stern ghosts, real demons, came out to make trouble, and completely caught them off guard.

According to statistics, now those... seemingly weak evil spirits, the overall loss caused is the greatest.

In today's Dayuan City, almost every second, a family is brutally killed by evil forces! Until now, I am afraid that the number of casualties has exceeded [-]! Even these high-level powerhouses who have experienced countless killings are also very frightened. Angry to the extreme.

"But Luo Bureau."

Grandmaster Guwu asked in a deep voice, "Can you make sure that one can achieve a shocking effect. This is a live broadcast. If something goes wrong, it will bring great despair and panic to the people!"

"Yes, Deputy Bureau, although Jiang Yunni is only the fifth rank of the king, but in the battle last night, after taking three corpse pills, she severely injured Lord Lei Zhen Wang!"

Although King Lei Zhen is the fifth rank of the king, his strength is the pinnacle of this level, very powerful.

Several powerhouses are worried.

Luo Ji waved his hand: "The analysis team has also considered this issue, but last night, Jiang Yunni was not willing to use three corpse pills until the end, which shows that she shouldn't have much of this kind of thing."

"This woman walked all the way to Zhao Nuo and Zhao Lai, and the number of people killed is probably close to 2, but according to the empire's intelligence, I only saw that she had swallowed corpse pills four times, two times two, four times, and three times this time. , nine in total."

Luo Ji said slowly: "Combining some details, for example, this time, if she directly consumes four corpse pills, she can kill my father, all these details point to a conclusion - I am afraid that [-] corpses can only be refined. Make a corpse pill, and Jiang Yunni, there is only one corpse pill left!"

"Even if she hunts wildly during this time, she can only refine one more at most."

"So this battle, we will win!"

Luo Ji self-confessed.

In fact, he is not really so confident, but at the moment of the war, he must make the inference that is most beneficial to himself! At this moment, in the factory.

In the end, the corpses of the three hundred workers jumped into the furnace by themselves, and then a furnace of corpses came out.

Three crystal clear pills.

Jiang Yunni slowly put away the corpse pill, the smile on her face was very interesting.

Chapter [-] The terrifying ghost king's real body (second more)

Looking into the ancient bottle in his hand, one hundred crystal clear pills filled with corpse aura, Jiang Yunni's eyes were dim and sighed.

Her Jiang family used to be a very powerful family.

Came across the rift, dominated this indigenous world for nearly a hundred years, established an immortal dynasty, but was finally sealed in an ancient tomb, becoming a group of inhuman things.

Now the world has restarted.

Her Jiang family naturally wants to return to the earth and establish its own rule.

And all of this must be sacrificed! Jiang Yunni still remembers what her father said to herself, nine and nine are extreme numbers, and nothing can exceed this number.

Family Corpse Pills, take three pieces to increase the power of half the king level, take thirty pieces to increase the power of the king's first stage, and take ninety-nine pieces to increase the power of the king level and two stages, this is already an extremely terrifying increase.

But if it exceeds the number of poles of nine or nine, something terrible will happen! And suddenly.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing.

Inside the factory, a burning red candle flickered twice.

Jiang Yunni's eyes suddenly turned cold, and her dark eyes exuded endless killing intent.

The three peaks are evil.

Qi Qi felt frightened and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"The red candle moves, and changes occur.

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Jiang Yunni said in a low voice, "When the red candle goes out, when the jade dies."

She took out one from her bosom and carved a head... Chifeng's ancient jade pendant, a conspicuous crack appeared on it.

Jiang Yunni's face suddenly became: extremely ugly.

She suddenly looked up at the sky, where there was an aura that made her heart palpitate.

is becoming more and more terrifying.

Almost without saying a word, Jiang Yunni raised her head and swallowed a large bottle of corpse pills abruptly. Her mouth was torn open, like a huge mouth in the abyss.

On her skin and face, strange black lines swam, like black pythons, constantly struggling in her body.

A hundred corpse pills were swallowed.

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