A terrifying loud bang, which seemed to be the sound of a heartbeat, came from Jiang Yunni's body.

Strangely, this heartbeat was stronger than thunder, as if her heart would jump out at any time.

Sigh!! Suddenly, Jiang Yunni's chest cracked.

A terrifying heart that was completely pitch-black actually penetrated her chest directly.

Above the heart, the veins are clear.

Still jumping, jumping very powerfully.

A string of intestines and the like, dragged outside, infinitely hideous.

in the popup.

Everyone was stunned.


"This corpse king, played with himself to death"

"This is too funny, isn't it funny to touch porcelain.


"Is this... the legend -- the heart beats out for you to see"

Many capable people are overjoyed across the screen, no one wants to see a corpse king, wantonly slaughtering the people of the empire, because they are also people of the empire, their lips are dead.

But just when all the capable ones are surprised.

Abrupt mutation.

Thorn, thorn! First, the arm, on Jiang Yunni's two arms, those... pitch-black lines, as if they had life, directly tore her skin, jumped out, and then instantly enlarged, becoming a strip of adults The energy python with a thick waist has a strange scarlet color on its head.

"Jie Jie"

A voice that was no longer human-like came from Jiang Yunni's mouth: "What a strong force! What a strong force!"

The voice was hoarse and low.

It was like the voice of an old man in his twilight years shouting out from a cave with strong echoes.

Thorn, thorn, Jiang Yunni's body was torn inch by inch, and one of them was so hideous that it was unimaginable, and it was almost invisible. Every dark tentacle on the body was like a monster with its own life crawling out.

The monster was all scarlet, with a dark heart, still: beating exaggeratedly.

Its body is like a human, but it has no limbs, only a ferocious giant python tentacles, and a terrifying corpse aura lingers around the monster's body, almost condensing into substance.

"not good!!"

The three peaks are evil.

Almost cracked.

They retreated desperately, slammed away, left quickly, and directly smashed the walls around the factory building and left.

An extremely dangerous aura emanated from Jiang Yunni's Ghost King Zhen at this moment.


She let out a wild roar.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!!! The cement walls and tin roofs of the entire huge factory were instantly covered with cracks like spider webs.


The huge factory building collapsed suddenly.

A strong fluctuation of power oscillated out over a kilometer range.

Outside the factory building, Luo Ji and the others suddenly stagnated, feeling a huge threat, but before they could retreat, the violent fluctuation of power suddenly swept through.

Bang Bang Bang! Several people flew out backwards.

Blood splattered.

Everyone gasped in breath and looked horrified.

"This is a thousand meters away from the factory! It can beat us to the point of vomiting blood"

The martial arts master clutched his chest, and the tiger roar in his body disappeared. This blow almost wiped out his martial arts heart.

"And, it's just a pair of roars."

A strong voice trembled.

Luo Ji got up, his face was so ugly that he couldn't see it anymore: "Fuck! I've been overcast, the magnitude has almost exceeded [-]..."

His mood was extremely complicated and fucked.

I thought it was a solid plan.

I didn't expect it, but in the end I was fooled! On Luo Ji's wrist, that... There were only two advanced energy detectors in Dayuan City, constantly sending out harsh warnings.

"Alert!! Serious vigilance!! There are more than [-], and the ever-growing terrifying evil spirits appear in front, please evacuate those with the ability below the fourth rank of the king level, and quickly evacuate!!"

After two breaths.

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