However, few people have noticed that... fine.

The official live broadcast of Dayuan City, why was it closed, but reopened...

the other side.

Luo Ji and the others' eyes lit up.

Luo Ji muttered, "Dad Jiang! Daddy Jiang, we must win, this is the face of our Dayuan City, the first time the entire human race has publicly declared war on the whole people in the face of evil."

Actually this live broadcast.

It wasn't Luo Ji's decision alone.

But after Jiang Che found him, he immediately reported to the director of Dayuan City thousands of miles away.

After this plan was finalized, the central government of the Empire analyzed Jiang Che's strength item by item, including inquiring about the officers and soldiers stationed at the death platform, and only after learning of his ferocity did the live broadcast be made.

as an attempt.

First of all, it is only broadcast live on the Dayuan City LAN. If the effect is not good, the relevant news will be completely cleaned up on the Internet. If the effect is good, it will be widely circulated.

at this time.

In the live broadcast room, it is not only the capable ones.

But there are countless ordinary people.

Everyone looked in horror at the camera more than a thousand meters away, the... terrifying figure, the dark tentacles, and the bright red body, making everyone terrified and terrified! The barrage issued A lot of worries and fears, the atmosphere is very low.

Luo Ji was also very nervous, he understood that the current depression was inevitable.

But as long as there are people, there are strong people in the empire who can kill this monster in one fell swoop, then the military will of the empire will be greatly increased, and some people may even awaken their abilities because of this.

The more confident and confident you are in your heart, the easier it is to wake up.

If he just blindly fears evil, this kind of person is considered useless...

the other side.

in the sky.

Jiang Che, who was in an infinitely terrifying state, supported by all kinds of vast power, burst into waves of mighty ice flames burning above the sledgehammer.

0 An aura that shattered everything violently stirred out, and Jiang Che at this time was like a god.

The terrifying punishment descended from the kingdom of heaven, and nothing in this world... can stop this kind of power! Jiang Che's huge body of twenty meters high.

Let out a loud growl.

"Underworld! Prison! Town! Heaven! Tribulation!"

A violent hammer shreds the void, and the terrifying hell that solidifies, ruthlessly suppresses it.

The place where Jiang Che's figure crossed, above the void, left a dark, broken trace.


The King of Kunshan was stunned: "Is this kind of person still human?"

Below, terrifying monsters roared in the sky.

Countless pitch-black tentacles erupted with violent corpse aura.

It soared into the sky crazily, one hundred corpse pills, condensing the corpse qi of [-] people, at this moment, it exploded, turning into a giant [-] meters high, composed of corpse qi...

The corpse gas giant is like a real god, rising into the sky, and the terrifying big palm tears the sky.

Everyone was drooling wildly.

He stared at this scene in astonishment.

With the two approaching.

Jiang Che's sledgehammer collided with the corpse gas giant.

In an instant.

The world seemed to stand still for a moment.

And then.

In the wide eyes of everyone.

A terrifying explosion occurred at the place where the hammer and the big hand touched, and then, the scope of this explosion was still: spreading!! In the shocking eyes of everyone.

That terrifying giant like a little sun.

The sledgehammer turned out to be a terrifying corpse gas giant. Wherever he slashed, the corpse gas giant shattered inch by inch, until he slammed into the giant's heart, where the scarlet body was covered with giant python tentacles— Jiang Yunni's eyes widened.

And next.

BANG!!!!!!! Under the loud noise.

Jiang Yunni disappeared immediately, and the corpse gas giant also collapsed with a bang.

The earth vibrated violently, and the ground swept up like waves and waves, and millions of square meters of earth sank deeply.

King Kunshan's eyelids trembled, he picked up a few juniors, and quickly stepped back.

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