Luo Ji's face was ecstatic.

He understands.

This time, the bet is right!! It's a bet right!!! Kill the shocking monster with one hammer.

The program is perfect!

The [-]rd chapter order is successful.jpg (fourth more~)

In front of the screen, countless people were surprised.

There is a kind of feeling one after another, and the ghosts are nothing but the same.

Of course, this is only psychological, for...the empire's self-confidence, I feel that the empire's strong, in this great change in the world, will definitely win.

No one is stupid enough to think that they can stop being afraid of ghosts.

And this horrible scene.

via live broadcast.

Under the shocking explosion, his body was golden, like a giant in a big sun.

Far away from the screen, it is actually shocking and deterring countless ghosts.

In some people's homes, Li Gui quietly touched the owner of the house, and then saw the live broadcast on the screen, Li Gui was suddenly startled and jumped up in fright.

Holy crap,!! What a terrible guy! Then he turned his head and slipped away.

This scene is happening in many places.

Ghosts also change from person to person, and they will be afraid when they encounter a strong man with a sledgehammer.

the other side.

In the pit of terror.

The explosion continued, everything in the factory was annihilated, and the earth collapsed. "Seven Nine, Seven"

Trapped, another live broadcast room, instantly black screen, only by leaning on the distance, the official live broadcast room of Dayuan City Conspiracy Bureau, can we vaguely see the scene in the pothole.

And this time.

Some capable people are in the group chat.

It's already fried.

Someone sent an emoji.

Jiang Daddy raised the hammer.

Father Jiang dropped the hammer.

Hey people carry the coffin.

Countless people were cheering, and Luo Ji's face was full of joy.

But suddenly, the King of Kunshan, who was wearing a Tang suit, had a stunned expression: he suddenly slapped the ground, and the soil layer swelled, and a hill rose from the ground, directly knocking Luo Ji and the others out.

"Lord Kunshan, what's wrong?"

As soon as the doubtful words were spoken, their expressions suddenly turned to one side.

Not long after they retreated, an extremely cold force instantly covered a large area around the factory.

If it wasn't for the King of Kunshan to act in time.

Luo Ji and the others were probably already covered by this aura.

And in that, the terrifying coldness and a kind of supreme coercion that exudes completely shocked everyone.

"Fuck, no way"

The crimson-level powerhouse exclaimed: "Is this..."

The great master of martial arts also grew his mouth: "This kind of power, as long as we step into it, our body will be torn apart and our soul will be crushed."

The King of Kunshan walked out of the area with difficulty. There was a thick force of natural yellow around his body, but his Tang suit was still broken.

The King of Kunshan was breathing rapidly: "Yes, it is indeed the power of that level - a demigod!"

"I'm afraid it's a ghost in the ancient tomb of Long Duan, leaving Jiang Yunni's trump card."

All the powerhouses suddenly felt horrified.

No one can handle this level of strength! At this time, in the factory, that... blood-red monster, half of its body was crushed by Jiang Che's sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer's strength was not enough. It was completely buried under the hammer, but it gave off a weird smile.

Because on one of its tentacles.

Holding a broken jade pendant.

At this time, in the jade pendant carved with a red phoenix.

A very terrifying white Shen Xi is erupting one after another, and an infinitely terrifying will is coming to this world.


A voice shouted in a low voice.

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