It reverberates between heaven and earth, like a thunderous thunder among giant gods.

It directly shook Jiang Che's terrifying hammer.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The instant kill I thought.

There is still a reverse order fail.

On the other side, in front of Jiang Che, the jade pendant swayed the sky, and a majestic figure condensed.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in ancient luxury to serve.

Python robe.

Seems to be an official.

The man has a pair of tiger eyes, high above and suppressing everything. He looked at Jiang's own daughter and frowned slightly: "Alas, Yun'er, you have finally embarked on this road."

Then he looked at Jiang Che coldly.

Immediately, an overwhelming pressure came on the face: "For father, for you to avenge!!"

Middle-aged people are almost equivalent to half the body, coming in person.

The power is infinitely terrifying.

On the other side, Luo Ji's detector exploded.

He shouted in a trembling voice: "The power of the king of the nine ranks!! King of the nine ranks!"

The Grand Master of Martial Arts also said solemnly: "The clone of a demigod, it's terrible!"

At this time, Jiang Che looked straight at the middle-aged man: "This uncle, you misunderstood, there is actually no hatred between me and your daughter, we are playing my latest childhood puzzle game— Picking up the hammer, if you interrupt your daughter’s play with her little friends like this, you don’t know how to educate at first glance, I still think that parents should give their children more freedom, rather than all aspects…”

Jiang Che's tone was very serious.

And this scene.

Hearing that, the middle-aged man was stunned.

What are you... Can you do something to my daughter even if you want to make a face, and you have the face to say that you are playing!! God takes the hammer.

This can be a childhood puzzle game, I'm afraid it's not the childhood of the Titans, so I know how to play this kind of game!! Middle-aged people feel that there are [-] grass and mud horses whizzing by in their hearts.

He was shocked by the shamelessness of the young man in front of him.

At this moment, even Jiang Yunni, who was in a trance, was crushed by hundreds of corpse pills.

Even thinking about it seriously.

My father is like this, monitoring me with a clone all the time, is it too restricting my freedom? Watching my daughter become more and more... scarlet and dangerous eyes 0... The middle-aged man is about to cry.

You are such a devil.

Knowing that my daughter has been ruined by the medicine pill, she still misleads her so that I will kill your grandson! "Humph!

The middle-aged snorted coldly, and the violent divine power turned into an overwhelming terrifying oppressive force, ruthlessly suppressing Jiang Che.

At the same time, his figure flashed and appeared directly on top of Jiang Che's head. The middle-aged man stretched out a big hand and pressed it down, and suddenly the whole world seemed to be held in his hand and turned into his weapon.

In an instant, it was dark and dark, and the dark corpse aura encapsulated the mysterious pressure between heaven and earth. It was as thick as a giant mountain, and it severely suppressed Jiang Che.

This palm.

If you change to ordinary people, you will be directly crushed into minced meat! This is the method of demigod powerhouses.

The middle-aged person was completely different from the last time when King Longquan's avatar came, and he paid a lot of money. Therefore, this avatar's strength was extremely terrifying, and it directly reached the ninth rank king.

This kind of avatar is almost the biggest trump card for middle-aged people.

It seems that he really cherishes Jiang Yunni's daughter, but for some reason, he chose to let her show her face and run around.

But just when the middle-aged man's eyes were cold and his hands were ruthlessly suppressed, he thought that he had the chance to win.

The corners of Jiang Che's mouth twitched slowly.

He looked at the middle-aged man who rushed in front of him.

Very satisfied with the delivery to the door.

"Praise the Father God."

"There are guests."

“Full set of foot bath!”

In the void, an infinitely vast, terrifying giant stepped out.

It was actually bigger than Jiang Che.

The middle-aged man suddenly widened his eyes: "What 4.

5 What! Such power..."

He was almost stunned.

The terrifying coercion in front of him seemed to have a true god approaching, and the giant's eyes seemed to hide the entire sea of ​​stars.

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