"The news came just now that my father, together with the two directors, who were selected from the restricted area along the way, chased and killed the strange phantom to Luhu. This is a barren area far away from the front and rear restricted areas. It is a piece of land that has been completely abandoned by the empire. dead."

Luo Ji's tone was heavy and his eyes were cold.

"That ghastly attack is so powerful that it is unmatched. If it wasn't for Brother Jiang's reminder, I informed my father in advance. He was already on guard, and I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to come back with a life."

"Now the three kings are all lying in the intensive care unit. My father's arms were torn away, and the other two uncles were also seriously injured. I'm afraid they will have to support them for ten days and a half months."

As soon as this is said.

Several people were shocked.

You must know that when you reach the level of the king of mankind, the level of life has undergone qualitative changes.

Being injured like this is already a very serious thing.

"My father saw the phantom, the thing in his hand."

Luo Ji said in a deep voice, he glanced around the room:

The Great Grandmaster of Ancient Martial Arts suddenly snorted coldly, and a strong martial arts infuriating instantly enveloped the entire room, preventing anyone from snooping.

Luo Ji then continued: "An ancient bronze door with three dragons engraved on it and nine stars in seal script!"

As soon as this is said.

Several people's faces suddenly changed.

Only Jiang Che remained calm.

It is not that he is strong, but that he is short-sighted.

Have no idea what this is at all.

A trembling appeared on the old face of the King of Kunshan, and he took a deep breath: "Could it be that..."

"It's that thing!"

The red man's lips trembled: "Three tornadoes, sea and heaven move, nine stars and nine moons open evilly."

"This is the legendary, Sanjiu Tianmen!"

"That's right."

Luo Ji looked at the few people with a solemn expression: "It is rumored that the empire suffered a disaster that destroyed the country more than two hundred years ago, and that time, there was... a strange existence, worshiping the Sanjiu Heavenly Gate, and opening the empire's first Second restricted area."

"In that battle, there were heavy casualties. There was once a mountain in the empire called Longyuan Mountain. It was the most powerful trump card in the empire. It was home to the ancient powerhouses who retired from the game and countless old seniors. ."

"And that time, when all the seniors went down the mountain and came back, they could barely live in a small half of Qilin Peak."

"In the grief of an old ancestor, he smashed Longyuan Mountain with a sword, and from then on, only Qilin Peak remained in the empire."

Jiang Che's eyes flashed when he heard it.

It seems that this matter is more serious than expected.

"There is some good or bad news."

Luo Ji's face was complicated: "Long Duan Ancient Tomb was broken through, and the phantom rushed in with Sanjiu Tianmen."

Several people were stunned.

Grandmaster Gu Wu sighed: "This is a fortune among misfortunes, Long Duan Ancient Tomb is only the fifth forbidden area, and the worship of the Sanjiu Tianmen will take a full thirty-three days, this matter, the Empire is afraid It's already arranged."

Luo Ji, however, shook his head: "The northwest fortress is in a hurry, the power of Qilin Peak... One by one rushing to the northwest, the matter of the Long Duan Ancient Tomb can only be seen one step at a time, the empire is already starting to evacuate the people of Yongzhou City. , the situation is not optimistic.”

"At that time, as much as you can gather... strong people, just gather as much... let's at least stabilize the situation first."

Several people sighed helplessly.

This matter is over.

The group also dispersed, and everyone had important things to do.

These major events are the things that the upper echelons of the empire should be concerned about.

In the end, Luo Ji pulled Jiang Che and told him one thing: "Brother Che, the empire rests, the elixir of Yaoshan is probably going to mature ahead of time."

Jiang Che was taken aback: "How early?"

"It was originally speculated to be from now, but now, I am afraid it will be within the last three days."

Luo Ji said.


Jiang Che nodded and left.

It seems that the trip to Yaoshan is going to be ahead of schedule.

And this Dragon Broken Tomb, he must go, this is a fine copy.

Jiang Che is looking forward to how much the so-called demigods can bring him... Energy...

When I returned home with the little fox, a large truck was already waiting for me, and more than a dozen soldiers with live ammunition, including three capable people, transported it in person.

Jiang Che moved the big boxes inside.

The elixir provided by the empire is very sufficient, with a total of 125 plants.

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