And two days after the massacre, Jiang Che's energy at this moment had reached a critical point.


He didn't hesitate immediately.

Start swallowing the elixir.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 300 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."


The quality of these elixir is uneven, it's not that the empire wants to do this, it is really a short period of time, it is very difficult for... the empire to gather enough elixir for so many carts, so the quality cannot be guaranteed.

0 final.

1 Elixir.

Bring Jiang Che a full 22.

And a very pleasant system prompt.

It also sounded during swallowing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host's accumulated energy exceeding 100 million, whether to spend [-] energy to upgrade the system"

This made Jiang Che very painful.

Each upgrade is one-fifth of the energy.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Upgrade!"

With the passing of energy of a million white flowers.

"Ding, the system upgrade has begun. This upgrade lasts for one day, and the functions can be used normally during this period."

Fighting for two whole days.

After clicking the upgrade, Jiang Che fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

When he woke up...he always felt that something wasn't quite right.

"Why is it so cold"

Jiang Che was taken aback.

Look to the side of the pillow.


He was startled.

A half-meter-long, animal-eared little loli was lying there.

The ears are fluffy and white.

The skin is white and tender, like a porcelain doll.

The short legs and arms were exposed outside, wearing a layer of blood-stained clothes, exuding a deadly cold air, which seemed very unusual.

"Is this..."

An idea popped into Jiang Che's mind: "Little Fox"

He stretched out a hand and pinched Little Loli's nose.

After exactly three minutes.


Two small hands opened Jiang Che's hand, and the strength was not small. Jiang Che estimated that there might be five or six thousand, jin.


A crisp and sweet voice sounded: "What are you doing!"

The little fox seemed to get up.

But when she spoke, Jiang Che was even more interested.

"It's amazing, you can actually speak"

"You are a fox"

He still wanted to carry the little loli by the back of the neck and lift her up like before: Kangkang.

Little Lolita's cheeks were puffed up to the size of two peaches, and she patted Jiang Che's hand away: "Benevolent! I have a name, my name is Su Xuanxuan, don't carry me like a cat, people! It's been transformed!"

Su Xuanxuan is fierce: "Although you are a benefactor, you can't treat me like this!"

Jiang Che didn't care, but thought it was fun.

Chapter [-] Terror Mountain (fourth more)

I teased the little girl for a while...

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