It's very mysterious there, no one can probe how far it is, it's a strange place that suddenly appeared behind this mountain range overnight.

It is filled with mist all year round, like a fairyland, and a terrifying place like purgatory on earth.

After reading these...

Jiang Che had a preliminary understanding of this place.

Although he could directly ask [undercover], but it is so hard for others to be undercover, if they are accidentally discovered by the big demon, I am afraid that they will be finished. Jiang Che also decided that there is no important matter, not to contact him.


Jiang Che continued to wait.


Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant prompt.

"Ding, congratulations on the successful upgrade of the host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the enhancement function has been improved, and it can be up to 4.

5 high-enhanced to fifth-order items."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the selection function is improved, you can choose: ability, beast soul, power of origin."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the fusion function has been improved, and the ability of the host can be integrated into a more powerful ability."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get a new function: designated card draw"

The sound of the system prompts completely made Jiang Che emotional and very excited.

Designated card draw: Spend double energy and designate to draw an alien card except... Di Jun, Zhulong, Yinglong.

This function is very practical, because in the face of some special enemies, for example, if the opponent is a monster that can only breathe fire, at this time, Jiang Che, taking a Xiangliu, the effect may be better than using the arrogant, raccoon power and the like. , much better.

Chapter [-] The Altar of Ghosts and Gods

Seeing that there are more than [-] million energy left, according to Jiang Mangfu's strategy, needless to say, all of them must be upgraded to strength.

Because energy itself has no effect.

Jiang Che can't guarantee how dangerous the world is now.

In the depths of the demon mountain, there was a demigod who stepped into the mountain, but in the end it never came out. There are still records in the spirit detection network. There was a hundred-meter-high monster who walked out of the demon mountain, and the empire sent an invincible strong person to kill it with difficulty. .

Since we are going to a place where there may be a huge threat.

Jiang Che naturally still had to improve his strength in order to feel at ease.

"Girl, watch your home, I'll go out."

Jiang Che pointed at Su Xuanxuan, who was lying on the sofa, her eyes shining brightly, staring at the tablet computer.

The blood stains on the little girl's clothes have been cleaned up with a wave of her hand. Her snow-white fox tail swayed from side to side in the air, and she said softly: "Be back soon, my benefactor, I want to eat roast chicken."

Jiang Che rubbed his forehead.

How can you raise such a foodie.

He turned around and went out, but there was some thought in 0's eyes.

Su Xuanxuan's methods are already beyond ordinary people's cognition, because even if they reach the level or even, many people will still improve a certain ability of their own.

For example, a person with fire ability is really just playing with fire. No matter how strong their strength is, even if they become the king of mankind, they will only play with a higher temperature and more tricks.

Those with ability are not like the novels Jiang Che read in his previous life.

Once the strength reaches a certain level, everything goes by analogy.

But this little girl, after transforming into shape, can actually perform some abilities similar to magical powers that are only found in immortal novels, such as waving her hand to clean clothes, which can be called a human-shaped washing machine, such as the imperial object and even the five-element escape technique.

These abilities, on a single point of view, are not too special.

For example, those with water-type abilities can easily clean clothes by waving their hands, and those with wind-type abilities are also very easy to hold objects in the air.

But when they appear in one person at the same time.

This is very mystical.

It's a bit like the means of the gods or immortals in the legend! Moreover, Jiang Che has not heard of anyone possessing the ability of the Five Elements Escape Technique. The little fox's earth escape is even better than when he uses the 'Royal Mountain' to step into the ground. To be too fast is a life-saving skill.

The key is.

This kind of ability can lead people! As for Su Xuanxuan's origin, Jiang Che also asked, she just said very ignorantly that when she was a child, she lived on a fairy mountain, and she could touch the stars, the immortals in the mountain, and countless beasts. Some bad people who called themselves the gods with terrifying eyes came up the mountain, and her father threw her into a dark crevice. After that, you will have to wait until you grow up before you can remember.

And this growth, I am afraid it is... a matter of two or three days.

Jiang Che flew all the way, carrying a bunch of things, Yuancheng.

He expected that the power of the weapons to be tested this time would be very fearful of the pig head mountain behind the school, and he would no longer be able to satisfy himself. If he was not careful, Yuannan University would be gone.

In the end, Jiang Che stopped at a surrounding area: the place around the mountains.

The scenery here is good, there are three intersections, there are mountains and waters.

The only thing that is a bit unpleasant is that a huge factory stands in the middle, and the rivers around are polluted. The river water is a kind of gray-black, and there are some strange black bags floating in it. taste.

Not far from the factory is a village.

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